How I Stole Johnny Depp’s Alien Girlfriend by Gary Ghislain
Review by: Lauren
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Summary: David’s dad often has patients in their home, in order to help them with their mental issues. However, there has never been anyone quite like Zelda. She swears she is from another planet who has come to Earth to find her one true love. David instantly falls for her…captivated by her wild nature and even wilder stories (or so he believes). Soon Zelda is on the run and David finds himself dragged along to keep her safe and in his sight. Zelda is after one man…Johnny Depp.
Review: The premise of this story is really fun and the overall book is a quick read, filled with police and chases and creepy alien women. The idea that Zelda would go after Johnny Depp sounds simple enough for us human women, but Zelda didn’t actually know her “one true love” was a famous movie star.
One of the things that makes this book interesting is the setting. It takes place in Paris, which makes sens as that is where Johnny lives. I like that there is a YA book out there for the U.S. market that isn’t in the United States. You often get other countries when the book is historical but this is nothing but a contemporary…with elements of sci fi of course…unless Zelda is faking. Is she? Why is David so captivated by her then?
I wasn’t completely in love with this book but it was fun and fast, and I can see a lot of boys and girls enjoying this.
I have never heard of this book before…great review! Thanks for stopping by my blog…love yours!