“I Had a Terrible Education…”

Posted August 27, 2012 by shooting in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

“…I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers.”
-Woody Allen
I love quotes, so I figured I’d start these roundups with a quote. And since I just finished my first week of classes, I figured a school quote was fitting!
I read and reviewed Breaking the Devil’s Heart by H.A. Goodman and I really loved it. I then offered to help the author with promotion for the book, and here we are…we’ve already gotten a lot of positive replies from people wanting to review the book, but I’m looking for more. So if you’re interested, please send me an email here: lauren51990 AT aol DOT com. Just put the title of the book in the subject and I’ll be in touch. We have e-book copies, as well as print, and we WILL take International reviewers!
Next up, the Claytopia giveaway where you could win your own personalized Cookie Mug has ended and the winner sent a photo of the mug she chose to share with you all:

Doesn’t that look adorable? You want your own, don’t you? Well, what are you waiting for?! These would make a great gift for just about anyone, especially with the colder weather coming! Stick some marshmallows in the mouth and make yourself some nice hot chocolate!

I have another giveaway going on right now that will end this Friday. You can win your own My Memories Scrapbook software. It’s international since it’s on your computer. It’s a fun software that you can use for crafts, cards, invitations, scrapbooking (of course) and I’m sure much more. Be creative!

Finally, I have some new posts up at my other blogs. Only one per blog this time around, but for it being my first week of class, I think that’s pretty awesome!

Eagle Scouts Protest Gay Ban – Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance

DIY College Survival Kit – All Grown Up Parties

4 responses to ““I Had a Terrible Education…”

  1. Everyone has SO many books to read, its hard to find people who can fit more in. I'm looking forward to reading Breaking the Devil's Heart hopefully (hopefully!) This week.
    Love the survival kit!
    Hope your first week of classes went well!

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