Interview with the super amazing Leslie Simon
Actually, Trevor was all slated to co-write the second book back when we first plotted everything out. However, I came up for the idea of “Wish You Were Here” the summer after “Everybody Hurts” came out (back in 2007), which happened to be while Trev was still living the life of a freelance writer. That fall, he snagged an awesome position in the music department at MySpace and was instantly swamped. So swamped, in fact, that he didn’t feel like he could give his all to the second book and he bowed out. I was kind of devastated, but instead of shelving the idea, I decided to soldier on Destiny’s Child-style and write the thing solo. That’s just how I roll.

2. Like a true rock star, you celebrated your book party at the bar Angels & Kings in New York City. Who did you rock out with and what does a book party for you entail exactly?
The peeps at Crush Management, who happen to own Angels & Kings, have always been super-supportive of everything I’ve done. We’ve been co-workers and bros for years and it was so rad that they offered to host an East Coast book soiree for me. Usually, book launches are stuffy events with cheese and chardonnay involved. However, seeing that the subject matter of my book is totes rock ’n’ roll, it was a natural fit to party down in a grimy bar with my closest friends. It was raining cats and dogs that night in New York City, but I managed to do shots with some of the best label, management and band peeps in the biz!
3. You’ve worked with various magazines from Alternative Press to Kerrang! For everyone out there interested in a similar line of work, what would your advice be for them? Where are you currently working at the moment? Do you still have any “” wishes?
I’m currently living and working in Los Angeles. I still contribute to Kerrang! and AP, which is super-rad, and I’m constantly trying to add more media outlets to my arsenal. I’m also in the midst of trying to develop a television show and another book, of course. You should see my to-do list on a daily basis! It’s crazybrains!
As for advice to anyone wanting to explore a similar line of work, I’d say to drop everything and start getting involved in your scene. Go to shows, get to know your local bands and, above all else, ask questions. People LOVE talking about themselves. If you specifically want to be a writer, then you’ve gotta write until your fingers bleed. Start a blog, contribute to your school paper, scribble in a diary—do anything to get your thoughts and opinions on paper. Also, if there’s someone nearby that could possibly be your mentor, nail that sh*t down! It’s so great to have someone look over your work with a more critical eye. I feel like that’s the only way writers improve from good to great.
I happened to be taking a meeting on the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank and I managed to scam a tour through the set of Stars Hollow, which is now being used for some upcoming CW show based on that movie The Witches Of Eastwick. All of the storefronts look different, but you can still recognize landmarks like Miss Patty’s dance studio, Mrs. Kim’s Antiques and, of course, Lorelei’s house.
If given the choice, I’d probably have to be Rory. I mean, sucking face with both Milo Ventimiglia and Matt Czurchy? Stick a fork in me!
5. Do you have any other books in the work, and if so, please tell us what you can! Is there anything you would love to write about in the future (for me, I think the idea of online resources/sites versus print magazines/newspapers would be an interesting topic!)
As I mentioned earlier, I’ve got another book marinating inside my brain but I’m not totally ready to divulge any deets just yet. Please bear with! As for other future projects, I would love to help write Lindsay Lohan’s memoir. Freals. Not sure how I’m going to make that happen, but I’m totally going to try!
6. In Wish You Were Here, you discuss the various scenes that come with a certain genre of music. Do you believe you fit into a certain one?
Hmmm… Style-wise, I aspire to fit into the New York City scene—though I definitely don’t have the prerequisite cool points or size-24 waist. Musically, I’m probably a cross between the Chicago emo scene and the sunny Los Angeles indie scene. What can I say? I’m a total mutt.
Two words: George Michael. I mean, how could you not have a crush after watching him on Arrested Development?
Aside from world peace, curing cancer and stuff like that, I’d probably wish for a French bulldog puppy and the ability to enjoy today instead of agonizing over tomorrow.
I loved the interview! I also love the ocver rt for "Wish You Were Here."
I'm definitely going to have to look into what this book has to say about Pittsburgh.I know very little about the music scene here, and I'm unsure of whether or not I want to be a part of it.
Michael Cera is so cute! I can't wait to see him star in Scott Pilgrim.
Kate: Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you did. And I know, right? It's such a fun cover!
Jazz: You should get the book then. I know I want to pick up a copy and see what I find out as well.
Oh, I do agree. I'm a Michael Cera fan myself. 🙂
Awesome interview, very interesting. I'm super intrigued :).
Thanks for stopping by :). I follow now!
Alexis: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. And no problem, thanks for following!!
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