This Pop Punk/Hardcore/Electronica band from New Jersey let you know exactly why you should give them a shot.
(Interview kept the way it was sent)
1. Who is this and what do you do in the band?
Im nick and i play drums
2. How would you describe your band’s music?
well theres numerous different ways to describe our band because we fit many different genras but if i had to lets say we have a sweet melodical sound mixed with thrashy,fast, and in your face verses, then we throw in some of the most catchy singing a local band has ever had and ten well top it off with the hardest, crazy, brutal breakdowns that we or anyone could possibly think of
3. What song do you feel really shows the band’s talent?
honestly all of them, why you ask? every song has its own style and feel that none of the other ones do
4. How did you come up with the band’s name?
we were sitting in the studio eating pizza and our bassist anthony just randomly thought of it
5. What is your ultimate goal for this band?
well theres not just one theres many, first we want to start off and knock the socks off every kid we play infront of, of corse we want to get signed who doesnt? but with getting signed we want to influence people and show them that mixing crazy stlyes of hardcore, metal, electronic, and :emo: is possible if one the right way and i think were doing it
6. What made you get into music in the first place?
probably listen to slipknow honestly, i always loved music but once i saw there drummer play thats when i personally got involved
7. If you had to promote your band to someone, what would you want them to know?
that were not a normal band, and unlike other bands who say they mix styles we do it and keep it real and have fans from every type of audience possible
8. Anything else you want to add?
we thank any and everyone who supposrts us with out you nothing is possible and we all love you
By: Lauren
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