Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
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Bree Matthews is 16, but she’s in an early college program through UNC- Chapel Hill. I liked how this made Legendborn less of your typical YA; it reads a bit more adult. Granted, these are still teenagers and they can act as such sometimes.
Legendborn is essentially a retelling of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I don’t know much about Arthurian Legend but I think Deonn did a great job weaving it into Bree’s story.
I did find the book a bit slow moving at first. I wasn’t really how I was feeling while reading, but I’m glad I kept going, because it definitely picks up. I am now very excited to read book number two.
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I LOVED this book! I am so excited to read the second! Plus, I went to UNC and still live in the area, so reading about places I know so well was fun. That’s not something I usually get to experience.
I’ve seen this one around but had not realized it was a retelling. Good to hear the pacing picked up and that you enjoyed it!
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I don’t read much YA anymore, although I do have one I’ll be starting soon, but this does sound fun. Glad it was a hit and that you liked it enough to look forward to the second book.
I really need to give this book a second chance. I DNF’ed it the first time I tried to read it because the beginning was so slow. It sounds like I gave up too soon.
Ooh, I have this one on my shelf and keep putting it off. It sounds like I need to try to work it in sometime soon.
Some books do get off to a slow start. Glad this one got better!
I didn’t realize it was an Arthur retelling, now I’m definitely intrigued! Great review!
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Legend Born is a new book by Tracy Deonn. It tells the story of a young girl who is gifted with a gift that no one knows how to use. She must find her place in the world and learn to use her power to protect those she loves. multi unit builders melbourne
The story follows a young woman named Katelyn who is trying to find her place in the world. Katelyn is a talented artist but she doesn’t know what to do with her skills. She is also trying to find her place in the world because her mother died when she was young and her father is very closed off. Dental Implants North Shore
LegendBorn is a new sci-fi novel by Tracy Deonn. It tells the story of a woman who is chosen to become the next leader of her people. But she has to overcome many challenges on her way to becoming the legend that her people need her to be. Hampton Style Homes Brisbane