It’s Friday and that means it’s time to share my Top Friday Favorites! I decided to make this a look back on the month of March too, so My Top Five March Favorites!!
I got a free box from BookCase.Club and once again, it’s two interesting mystery/thriller novels. I haven’t read either of these, so hopefully I can check them out soon. Have you read either one?
The price is really great and there are SO many boxes you can subscribe too – Young Adult, picture books, cookbooks, and more! Definitely think about checking it out.
Use code Star15 to get 15% off your first month’s subscription!!
My mom went to Florida for a weekend to see her mom and she really wanted to get a pedicure. I went with her and she immediately talked me into getting one too. I had reached a 20 pound weight loss, so it was a nice little treat to myself. I really like the color and it was really nice to relax and get pampered for a bit.
3. No picture for this one but I got some really cute shirts at Kohl’s last weekend. I’ve been randomly getting some new clothes since I’ve lost some weight and it will be nice to have things to wear when the weather gets a bit warmer. I’m really excited that I can actually wear more things now!
4. Beauty and the Beast! Umm…this was a fantastic movie. I seriously loved it and it’s seriously one I’d go and see again. If you didn’t see my movie review, please do check it out!
Finally, I’m selling Usborne Books. I’m really excited and I think these books are awesome. There are items for newborns through high school. Stand-alone items and series books! If you want ideas, let me know! My shop is here if you’re interested in purchasing anything!
April is actually Austim Awareness Month and a friend of mine has a little girl on the spectrum, so I definitely think there needs to be more awareness and research. As such, if you host a Facebook Party for Usborne Books during the month of April (you can either host it or schedule during the month), then I will donate $5 to Autism Speaks. I wish I could do more, but this is PER party, so I’m hoping that the final amount will be good! Thanks so much for supporting me and all of my endeavors. If you’re interested, please email me: Lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Linking Up:
Five on Friday-
We just saw Beauty and the Beast today and I just loved it. I even cried a little, even tho I knew how it'd end! I am such a sap. I wasn't following you on IG, so I just started!! I need a pedi so bad!
I didn't know they made books specifically for newborns! How cool. <3 I need to see Beauty and The Beast!
Great favorites… nice pedi too! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
These books look adorable!
Sounds like a great month!! I still need to see Beauty and the Beast. Have a great April!
Lovin the book club box. I love getting pedicures and try going at least once a month. Hope April treats you well too!!
Cheers to pedis and new clothes! I've been purging my closet, bedroom, shoe stash for weeks now – all so I can add a few new things to my closet! 😛
I don't often treat myself to mani-pedi's either but I did last week since I was heading out of town for a wedding. The pampering is wonderful! And you definitely deserved it with reaching that weight loss milestone! I *still* haven't seen Beauty and the Beast but hope to see it this weekend!
I have never been for a pedicure. My feet are SUPER ticklish so I'm not sure how that would work lol
I'm glad you're getting to treat yourself though.
For What It's Worth
I need a pedicure in the worst way! I love the color you chose! Happy weekend!
Congrats on your weigh loss! I need some motivation myself. Especially now that the weather's getting warmer. Pedi looks great!
Going to have to check out those two books!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Love a good thriller. Enjoy it!
I am in terrible need of a pedicure. I'd like for the weather to cooperate so I can make it happen.
I just saw Beauty and the Beast and LOVED it too. I was a little surprised at just how much. That's awesome you're supporting Autism Awareness month. I'm going to too. 🙂
Your pedi color is so pretty! I've been meaning to get one for ages…my birthday is next week, so maybe I'll treat myself 😉
I really need to see Beauty and the Beast–I've heard nothing but great things about it!
And congrats on the weight loss AND new venture with book selling! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my sweet! XOXO
Lauren – congratulations on your weightloss and that was a great looking treat. You've managed to unpack a thriller box and I haven't read either of those books – I'm slipping.
My first ever book review (aged 7) was for Usborne books so thanks for the blast of nostalgia.
Love the color on your little feetsies!!
Oh, I can't wait to get a pedicure again… it's been too long! Love the nail polish!
I've been loving thrillers lately so that Book Club Case box looks pretty good to me! I should look into those. I keep seeing all these cool book crates around! And Beauty & the Beast does seem to be getting lots of love. Looks like they did a good job with it.
Have a great weekend!
That book subscription box looks so fun! I keep thinking about signing up for one but not sure I can budget it in right now!
I still haven't seen Beauty and the Beast! I'm hoping to really soon though.
I haven't read your new books but do like Johansen's work. Your nails look cute. Keep up the good work with the weight loss!
What a pretty pedicure, and watching Beauty and the Beast made me so happy 🙂
The bookcaseclub looks amazing! I love reading books especially mystery. Would have to check them out! I haven't watched beauty and the beast yet, but I seriously need to!
Reine | Sincerely Reine
I need to get a pedicure ASAP! It has been toooo long lol Have a great weekend!!
I seriously need a pedicure!! I feel like it isn't the same than going it at home. The color was so cool! And congratulations about your weight loss.
Hoping to take the kids to see Beauty and the Beast over spring break – I think it's one they will both agree to! Love your pedicure color – it's fun to change it up for the spring weather!
I cannot wait to see Beauty and the Beast! Congrats on your weight loss! A pedicure is such a nice treat!
Doused in Pink
I absolutely adored Beauty and the Beast too! Oh, and Kohls is a favorite shopping destination for me—my family's entire wardrobe is pretty much purchased there. LOL!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I love getting pedicures! They are so relaxing. Congrats on the weight loss. 🙂 ~Aleen
It seems like you have a lot going on! Congrats on all of it. I also saw Beauty and the Beast in March and I adored it.
Have a great month of April! =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
I loved Beauty & the Beast. Emma Watson as Belle was very understated yet elegant. I will buy the movie when it comes out. CONGRATS on your weight loss! That's wonderful. Sometimes we need to treat ourselves. 🙂
Hoping for April showers for all of us. Because more reading! ?
Aw that is a nice treat. That looks like a blanket I have in the background 😀 Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh you had an awesome month. So happy for you. Congrats on your weight loss and the pedi is cute. I hope you enjoy your books. Happy reading. Have a great week, 🙂
I haven't read either of those but am excited to see what you think of em'!
I love happening upon great finds at Kohls (or TJ Maxx for me 😛 )!
I've still yet to se Beauty and the Beast! We've tried twice so far but to no avail! Hoping to catch it this Thursday, but we'll see what happens!
I love your pedicure! I need to find the time to get my feet taken care of soon. It just makes me feel so good, and also so very pretty when my toes are all cute like that 🙂
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Love the idea of the book box subscription, and those books you have started selling sound very cool! How awesome is it that you can hold them up to the light to see hidden pictures?? SO glad you loved beauty and the beast too… I'm off to see it with some of my fave little people this weekend and I can't wait! 😀
A book subscription box is a fantastic idea. Maybe I'll give it a try! Love the pedicure and new clothes for the season. Hope you had a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂
That is a great color for your toes. I need a pedicure and a massage….just as soon as I can get out of a chair by myself 🙂 Sorry I missed so much. Thanks for still visiting me. I so appreciate it.
That beach book looks super cute. And that polish is so beachy itself! 🙂 XO – Alexandra
Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
That nail color is so pretty. I still need to see Beauty and the Beast. Sounds like you had a great March 🙂
i LOVE that polish color. so pretty. :]