My Memorable Christmas Party

Posted January 2, 2011 by shooting in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Do Not Own
My most memorable holiday moment…well, I can’t really say what that is to be honest. However, I can tell you about the Christmas I just had and what made that a fun memory. I had a Christmas party with some of my friends and surprisingly, most of them actually showed up. That is always something to worry about. You hope to have a good time, but everybody has to be able and willing to show up, and as I said, most of them did. So that was the first thing, and I definitely want to keep having Christmas parties with friends.

What also made it fun were the gifts. Sure, I got a few things myself…a Gus bobble head from the show Psych, some candy, and even a Bazinga! shirt from The Big Bang Theory…see a small pattern? But what makes it more exciting for me is giving gifts to people. I had something for everybody there. That included one of my friend’s boyfriend and another friend’s fiancé. I enter tons and tons of giveaways all year long, so a lot of gifts come from that…but then I spend some money on others. I won’t give up what I bought or what I didn’t, but winning gifts isn’t always easy either. I work hard for a lot of them and it means so much to me to be able to share them with others sometimes.


“This post was written for an entry into the baby clothes holiday writing contest. One lucky blogger will win a $50 Amazon gift card! For a chance to win see the baby clothes blog for more information.”

3 responses to “My Memorable Christmas Party

  1. Isn't it funny that when you don't expect many people, a ton shows up? I too love Charlie Brown Christmas and play the cd to the point where my kids are singing it even in the car.

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