(Review) Nubia: Real One

Posted March 22, 2023 by shooting in Book Review / 1 Comment

Nubia: Real One by L.L. McKinney and Robyn Smith

Apparently Nubia is an older character, but they aren’t one I’ve heard of, so I’m excited I could be introduced to them in this graphic novel. Nubia’s two moms know that she has powers, but they want her to keep it hidden. Wonder Woman and other superheroes are applauded, but as a young black girl, her moms are worried about people’s reactions (and for good reason).
Nubia is a relatable teen in many ways, though as a white girl, I could never understand the things she has to think about and deal with due to her race. I think this book is something that teens and adults should read as it really gives a realistic perspective of what it’s like to be young in America. And yes, sometimes that’s young and black, but some of it’s just trying to survive as a young person, or as a female.
There are a lot of tough moments in this book, whether something is actually happening or it’s simply talked about. I would definitely look up trigger and content warnings before diving into this one. It’s incredibly well written, and I loved the artwork! I gave this one 5 stars.

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