A Movie Review: Ocean’s 8

Posted June 19, 2018 by shooting in TV/Movies / 41 Comments

This past Saturday, I went and saw the movie Ocean’s 8 with my mom and sister. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the original Ocean’s films, but I know I liked them and I’ve been really excited about Ocean’s 8 for awhile now. Final verdict? We all really enjoyed it! Read on for my review of Ocean’s 8!
Ocean's 8 Movie Review
Photo from IMDB

First off, this movie is full of some amazing actresses (Sandra Bullock, Mindy Kaling, Rihanna, and more) and it was great seeing them all band together to pull off a heist at the Met Ball.

The beginning of the film introduces you to all the players involved – as well as how the job is supposed to go down. Don’t worry – this part is still enjoyable because the planning is just half the fun.

Once at the Met Ball, the stakes and suspense definitely go up a notch. There are a lot of women involved in pulling this job off – and lots of money on the line if they don’t get the necklace – so it was a lot of fun seeing things happen, step by step.

I thought Ocean’s 8 had a few fun twists; one was something I really should have seen coming, but it was fun nonetheless!

While there isn’t a cliffhanger at the end of the movie, I could easily see a sequel being made…I just hope the movie does well enough to make the producers think it’s a good idea!

So come on everyone – support female led films!

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Are you interested in Ocean’s 8? Or have you seen it already – and if so, what did you think?

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41 responses to “A Movie Review: Ocean’s 8

  1. I am planning to see this with my bestie and I can’t wait! Your review has me even more excited, I’m glad to hear it is good!

  2. My husband and I love the Ocean’s movies (especially the original–swoon), and I was soooo excited when I discovered they were making an all-female version! I’m excited to see it, and I think they’ve chosen an amazing cast to portray these characters. HBC is one of my favorite actresses. I’m happy you enjoyed this one!

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    Lindsi recently posted: Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris
  3. I liked it a lot. It was super fun. I didn’t think that the heist was as clever as the one one 11, and there weren’t as many twists as I was hoping for, but still a really good time and an amazing cast.

  4. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I probably won’t go to the theater to see it, but I’m definitely interested in checking it out when it comes out for on demand. I really love Sandra Bullock! πŸ™‚

  5. I went to see this movie this past weekend with my bestie and I LOVED IT! I felt like the story flowed well and I, too, didn’t see one particular thing coming so that surprising twist made the movie worth seeing even more in the theater! Movies here are dirt cheap (Southport, NC), but for those paying high dollar theater prices, it’s WORTH the money! Great post! PS — I hope there’s a sequel!

  6. I haven’t seen Oceans 8 as yet Lauren but loved the original films and I’m such a fan of both Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett as well. I love all female movie casts with actresses from diverse and varied backgrounds, I can’t wait to see it! Thrilled you all had such a great time Lauren, wonderful movie review! β™₯β™₯β™₯

    Kelly recently posted: LIFEL1K3

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