Blog Tour Review: Oversight by Santino Hassell

Posted June 27, 2017 by shooting in Book Review / 24 Comments

Oversight by Santino Hassell 

Review by Lauren

source: copy from Netgalley for review; all opinions are my own

Official Summary: Goodreads is kind enough to note that the summary contains spoilers for the first book, Insight, so if you want to read the summary, visit Goodreads.

Review: While Insight and Oversight follow two different narrators, they are both part of the same overall story. Therefore, it’s important that you read Insight first in order to understand the psychics and the world they live in. Holden Payne’s father is one of the top people in The Community, a group of psychics looking out for and taking care of each other. Holden has always seen the more positive aspects of the Community, including the club he runs that gives LGBT+ people – psychic or otherwise- a place to go.

In Insight it’s obvious that not everything is what it seems when it comes to the Community. Holden plays an important part in that book, but it was great to get his actual point of view in Oversight. I liked that characters from the first book were back, even if they didn’t all have as large of a role. Oversight continues to unravel the Community, making it a book readers are sure to fly though. There is a burgeoning relationship, but if you tend to shy away from romances, definitely think about reading this series still. The romance just adds to the story, but it never overtakes the overall plot of mystery, suspense, and the paranormal.

Hopefully this will entice you to check out the series! I didn’t want to give away much since Insight is important to read first. There are only these two out at the moment, but a third is on its way, so get started!

24 responses to “Blog Tour Review: Oversight by Santino Hassell

  1. This sounds like an interesting premise, and I’m happy to hear the romance didn’t overshadow the plot. Wonderful review, Lauren! 🙂

  2. It is always nice when they bring back characters from the previous book! You give such good book reviews always! 🙂 I wish I could read as much as you! Hope I get some reading in soon with my upcoming trip!


  3. I’ve heard great things about this author and the series. Some even book binged the other series and highly recommended it to me. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it too. She is one of the very few authors I want to try in the near future.
    Awesome review!

  4. Purple Reader

    Congrats and thanks for the post and good review. The idea behind this release\series sounds creative, and it all looks pretty intense, like others of yours I’ve read and thoroughly enjoyed. –
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

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