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I like discussions on blogs, and I figured why not give it a try here? Again, if you leave a comment here (I might comment back here too) I will leave you a comment on one of your blog posts…feel free to link to a certain post if you want, and I’ll check that out. But don’t just say “hey”and leave a link. Please, actually comment on the post. I would appreciate it! P.S. Auctions will start going up faster, so please keep an eye out, spread the word, bid on things, and just apply to the scholarship!!
New Year’s Resolutions-
Do you have them? Do you keep them?
This year, I have two different type of goals. One is fairly typical. I would love to get more in shape and generally be a more healthy person. And of course, in that regard, I’d like to lose some more weight and all that fun stuff. However, I need to find ways to really stay active since my schedule is crazy being a student, working, volunteering, etc. Tough work for us all, I know. So I’d like to know: what do you do for exercise? Also, what types of foods do you recommend that are good but healthy too?
My other goal is to get a literary agent. I’m going to try (along with everything else in my life) to keep up with my personal writing. I started getting more into it over winter break, getting over 10 thousand words. That’s awesome, but I have awhile to go…so I really need to keep the momentum going! A huge life-goal of mine is to be a published author, but for this year, I want to do the first big step: get a literary agent, like I said. Anyone else have writing goals?
I don't particularly keep new year resolutions because I can't ever follow them through.
But I'm keeping TWO this year:
1. Finish my book. For reals. And query.
2. Stop with the all-nighters and go to bed early, so I can write in the mornings.
G'luck keeping yours! 🙂
This year I've started with 3 healthy daily goals (10,00 steps, 8 glasses of water, 5 minutes of prayer/meditation every morning). Easy right? In February when these have become habits I'll be adding something else. I'm thinking of making February a vegeatarian month. I figure if I start with baby steps then add things slowly I have a good chance of being healthier by the end of the year!