Be A Pineapple: A Fruity Summer Gift Guide

Posted May 25, 2018 by shooting in Fashion / 39 Comments

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For those of us in the U.S., we’re getting ready for a (hopefully) fun-filled three-day weekend in honor of Memorial Day. Do you have any fun plans?

Inspired by Ashley’s post on the cherry trend in fashion, I decided to look at another fruit trend that I’m loving…Pineapples! This was pretty big last year, but I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon!

I tried to share a mix of clothes and accessories, as well as a variety in prices because I know we’re not all looking to drop over $100 on a new addition to our closet!

Be a Pineapple: Come check out my fun & fruity summer gift guide #ontheblog Share on X

Tell me: do you like the pineapple trend? Or do you love another summer-esque trend?

Share your favorites of the below items in the comments!

Pineapple Themed Gift Guide

39 responses to “Be A Pineapple: A Fruity Summer Gift Guide

  1. jen

    I don’t really follow the trends and prefer alternative styles or slogan tees or tv/film (truffleshuffle, redbubble) The IN thing in the UK at the moment is lamas and unicorns and I’ve seen things with sloths on. I like dragons, owls and ducks. I go through phases of wanting cute things or cool things but very fussy with clothes. That bag looks good though

  2. I have to admit, I don’t understand the pineapple trend. However, I have a friend who is obsessed with pineapples. So this pineapple craze has really helped me out when it comes to finding gifts for her. LoL
    I personally like plant/cactus and flamingo themed items.

  3. I love that pool floaty, and also the socks. Actually, the shirts are pretty cute too. Who doesn’t love fruit?! Perfect for summer.

  4. That backpack is too cute! I love pineapples, too, and really any fruit this time of year always makes me happy and reminds me of summer πŸ™‚ hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend, sweet friend!

  5. Jen

    I couldn’t be happier with having my favorite fruit coming into it’s own fashion and trend setting way πŸ™‚

  6. I absolutely love fun prints for summer and have a very cute top with a little pineapple print on it. I love the playsuit dress though, it’s a mixture of playful and sexy, you could easily pop on a few gold accessories and clutch to wear at night as well. Going to check that out and put it on my watch list. Thanks so much for sharing Lauren, would love to see more fashion and accessory posts on here! β™₯β™₯β™₯

  7. Jen

    One of my good friends and her daughter, who is bff with my son, are both obsessed with pineapples. The younger one has a pineapple backpack and lots of pineapple clothes. They even just gave us an end of the school party invite with a pineapple on it. Lol! I didn’t know about the pineapple floaty though, I’m going to have to let them know!

    Jen recently posted: Monthly Wrap-Up – May

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