Psycho Film Review + Bates Motel TV Show

Posted February 28, 2013 by shooting in Uncategorized / 11 Comments

Psycho Movie Review 

by Lauren

I own none of these images

IMDB Summary: A thirty-something secretary steals $40,000 from her employer’s client, and subsequently encounters a young motel proprietor too long under the domination of his mother.

Review: This won’t be a long review for two reason. 1. I feel like a lot of people have seen Psycho already (though this was my first viewing) and 2. I want to focus on the new TV show that brings the Bates family to the modern world. 

Back to Psycho…this is probably my current favorite film by Hitchcock. After watching it, I wanted to dive right back in and view it again…and preferably with someone who hadn’t seen it because it’s always fun to see what a newbie thinks. Psycho is creepy and suspenseful, but not gory. The famous shower scene (which you can see above) is not gratuitous violence, so no worries for those that don’t like modern scary films because of this. 

 Perkins as Bates

Obviously, Janet Leigh as Marion Crane did a great job but the real star, for me, is Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates. He is a handsome young man that you feel bad for in the beginning, until you begin to realize that he might not be completely stable…and then there is his mother who Bates equally loves and hates that might be up to no good. 

Now that leads me to the new A and E TV show, Bates Motel

In case you can’t see the above poster for the upcoming show, it states that “A Boy’s Best Friend is his Mother” and Bates Motel will premiere on Monday, March 18 at 10 p.m. on A and E.

Visit A/E’s website to learn more about the show! 

I don’t want to say too much about the show in this post for those that have not viewed Psycho yet. If you’re interested in the show, though, I’d get your hands on Psycho first so things aren’t ruined. Also, be aware of the comments…there COULD be spoilers, and that‘s fine. Don’t read the comments if you’re worried.

As for Bates Motel, this is a modern version of the Psycho story, giving viewers a chance to get to know Norman and his mom a little betterhow far did their mother/son relationship go? How did they scar each other beyond help? 

I love the addition of a half-brother for Norman too, which is never mentioned in Psycho. The brother, Dylan, is played by Max Thieriot. Dylan’s bio reads: Norma’s son by her first marriage and half-brother to Norman, Dylan is an edgy outsider in the Norma/Norman tea party. He’s a lost soul and a drifter who finds himself, by necessity, drifting back into the troubled lives of his mother and brother.

I have to admit, though, I’m most excited about Norman Bates. As you saw in my Psycho review, he was the most interesting character for me…but I’m even more pumped about Bates Motel’s Norman because he’s being played by Freddie Highmore (who I’ve been a fan of for awhile).

Finally, here is a trailer/extended look at Bates Motel. 

What do you think?


11 responses to “Psycho Film Review + Bates Motel TV Show

  1. I haven't watched the original film but the show format sounds intriguing. It's interesting they added a half-brother. I didn't realise it was was a TV series and wow, Freddie has grown up a lot!

  2. I think I saw the re-make of Psycho… at least I think there's a remake? I defo don't remember seeing the original. Also, I had no idea a tv show was being made!

  3. I think I'm one of the last people around who haven't watched Psycho yet, I've even heard so much about it, but I think I'm too much of a scaredy cat. This new series Bates Motel sounds really interesting though, so I think I may have to stop being a wimp and watch it. I'm glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

  4. Oh my gosh I'm so excited for this! I can't even imagine how much more weirdness they can bring out of the Bates household!!! Ah! I'm definitely going to watch "Psycho" again before then!

  5. I actually have never seen Psycho, though I really should. Bates seems like an interesting character. I would definitely want to watch the original first before the TV show. I also quite like Freddie Highmore (wow, has he ever grown up!)!

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