I found this meme on Linny’s Vault and this is probably the second time I’ve done it, but they have some fun questions every week…so I will try and take part more often.
Today’s Topic: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me…
I love getting to know bloggers a bit better, so I’d love it if some of you would do this post (or even just leave some facts about yourself in the comments!)
1. I’m obsessed with the U.K. soap opera Hollyoaks. I don’t watch full episodes, but I do tend to follow various storylines and I’m currently trying to get caught up to the newest episodes. Watching Hollyoaks for too long makes me start speaking in an English accent though. I don’t do it on purpose…and it’s usually when I ask a question. I only know I’m doing it when someone points it out; mainly my sister.
2. I tend to get hurt in the weirdest ways. I got stitches above my eye when I was younger because I got hit in the head by a wooden baby swing. In eighth grade, I was in a play and I was doing a leap- a dance move for the beginning- and I ended up fracturing my ankle.
3. I used to be in an online book club for years and that’s what led to my creation of this blog. Through this blog though, I ended up visiting New Jersey/NYC and meeting a lot of the members, attending Bamboozle Music Festival twice, and one of my good friends now is from this club.
4. Smith magazine published those 6 Word Memoir books which I think are awesome. When I was still a teenager (I’m 23 now) they had a chance for teenagers to send in their memoirs. Mine ended up being accepted and is including in the book called I Can’t Keep My Own Secrets. My memoir was even mentioned in their introduction in the beginning of the book, which I thought was hilarious. My memoir? “I was named after a store.” Laura Ashley. My mom didn’t want to name me after someone in the family (Laura) so my name was changed to Lauren Ashley.
5. If I had the talent, my dream job would be to be on Broadway. I’m obsessed with plays and musicals but I can’t sing and I’m way too shy to be able to get up in front of people. With the talent that I do currently have, I’d love to be a published author.
Ha! Oh Lauren, these are great. And hilarious. Actually, sometimes I adopt a bit of an accent when I watch too many UK shows in a row, as well. Haven't gotten into Hollyoaks yet though! And ohhh, I would love to have the talent that would enable me to be on Broadway because those people are hella talented!!
Hey, I have that book! I didn't know that was your memoir.
I'm quick to adopt accents too! I always thought it was because we moved around so much when I was little, but now I'm thinking it might just be something we (and apparently Aylee) share.
I LOVE # 4! I have to check out that book to see your words in print!!
OK – here's a weird fact about me – I do a fantastic Nancy Grace impression. I don't know why but if I see her on TV I can do a dead on impression. But I have to watch her first. lol
I should check out Hollyoaks, I love UK shows, and they always have me slipping into an accent too, so don't worry, you're not alone. 🙂
I always get hurt in the weirdest way as well. My husband always makes fun of me!
Thanks for sharing and linking up!
Love your tid-bits and your name story..hilarious. My Caffeinated confessions post later this month shares things you might not know about me and I hope you get a laugh out of it.
Oh my gosh I love your 6 word memoir!
That's so cool you were in an online book club! I used to be in a regular one, and I'm hoping to find another one to join eventually. I think it'd be amazing to be a published author, too 🙂
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Oooh…thanks for sharing Laura! It's awesome getting to know the people behind the blogs, so this is a really interesting and fun feature to do!
I think your #4 is epic! It's so cool that you got to get your writing published in a magazine!
As for your #5, I'm so with you! I'm also an actress, and I think it's awesome that you enjoy theater too! 😀 What's your favorite play?
Thanks for sharing, and – as always – fantastic post! 😀
~Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf
I love when bloggers share tid-bits about themselves. I would love to be able to act in plays or in movies, but I'm incredibly camera-shy and have a fear of people watching me. It's odd because I know can act and I can even do accents..but if someone is expecting me to do then I just can't.
I did a post like this back in November, if you're interested. http://inlibrisveritas.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/reading-and-ranting-facts-about-me/
I love all of these, but number 4 has to be my favorite!!
Interesting stuff. A broadway actress huh? I could never do that, now published author is something
I could wrap my head around.
I don't know why, but your number 2 cracked me up. Probably because I can definitely relate to being hurt in weird ways 🙂 Great post!
I love these tidbits about you! I like the story behind your name. I think my name came from the journalist Andrea Mitchell. I guess my dad liked her. lol
It was great learning more about you. I wish I could speak in an English accent.
I love that you start speaking in an english accent without meaning too. lol That is too funny. The online book club sounds cool too!
Absolutely enjoyed reading these little facts especially #1! I pick up accents off tv shows and books too. It's kinda embarrassing sometimes because sometimes I say something that sounds like a Regency Era debutante, all prim and proper! 😛
This is awesome! That's cool that you are in a book. Named after a store, huh? Well, when my daughter grows up I'll have to be sure to never tell her the places I saw her name. The first time (and when I decided I HAD to name her that) was from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiels series. But the things that Phedra does should never ever be brought up to my daughter! I just loved the name too much to not use it. Though I did change the spelling.
Your six-word memoir is awesome.