Review- Another Life by Keren David

Posted June 24, 2013 by shooting in Uncategorized / 11 Comments

Another Life by Keren David

Review by Lauren

copy for review, but all opinions are my own

Official Summary: Kicked out of yet another boarding school, Archie couldn’t be happier to find himself back in London with old friends and an exciting social life. But he’s worried about his cousin Ty, who is facing a sentence in a Young Offender Institution and doesn’t seem to be coping. And he’s finding that his old friends have moved on and it’s a struggle to keep up with their new lives.

When he begins to learn surprising things about Ty, Archie goes on a mission to discover the truth about his cousin’s past. But who is the real Ty?

Review: Another Life is the third and final book following Ty’s story about witnessing a murder and going into witness protection…just to find that even more danger lies in wait for him. You can check out my reviews for When I Was Joe and Almost True if you like! I’ll try and avoid spoilers in the review though.

Another Life was set up differently from the previous two books as the point of view isn’t just Ty…it’s mostly his cousin Archie, who Ty only met when he was put into witness protection. Archie was always an interesting character before but I liked having his point of view in this final book. It gives an outside perspective to Ty’s life, and how it’s hard to tell if Ty is always telling the truth or not…just who is the true villain in the story? Archie wonders and goes on a search to find out all about his cousin.

Furthermore, Archie is a fairly amusing character. He smokes a lot of pot and is always caught up in girl problems, but he does genuinely care about Ty. I feel like both of the boys grow a lot in Another Life and it was certainly a nice conclusion to the trilogy. There are things I’d love to know about the boys at the end…but it’s nothing that big. It just means I care enough to want more.

The entire trilogy is something I would recommend. It’s great for people that want some grittier contemporary novels, but that focus a lot on family and growing up. It’s also a male point of view, which is often rare in YA. Plus, the books take place in England, and I always love reading stories that don’t occur in the U.S.

11 responses to “Review- Another Life by Keren David

  1. Sam

    I tend to have better luck with books set outside of England, but that might just be because I'm from England. 😉 I always think it's a great thing to want to continue learning more about the characters once you are done with the book. Like you said, you shows that you were able to care about them. I still need to check out the first book, but lovely review as always!

  2. Ooh I definitely need to give this a try, I love gritty contemporaries, and it's so rare to get a male POV. I also love books set in England. I'll have to check out When I Was Joe. Thanks for the thoughtful review and for introducing me to this series!

  3. I hadn't heard of this book but as soon as you mentioned the previous two, I knew which series you were talking about!

    A couple of friends love these books and I was gifted book one – thanks for the reminder!

  4. Cool, it's nice you enjoyed this trilogy so much. I'm definitely intrigued now! You know, I don't think I've ever read a book where the MC was a pothead. That could be fun!

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