Review: Diaper Bag Buddy + Site Info

Posted December 7, 2009 by shooting in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Diaper Bag Buddy Review
By: Lauren


This is such a fun product and very helpful! You can see the case and items inside in the photo above, or check out the site if not. The wrapping around the diaper bag buddy comes off so you have a white case that is about as big as a glasses holder so it’s very handy for a purse or bag and won’t take up much room.

You get some shampoo and body moisturizer, little bandaids, a one-time only thermometer, tush wipes, and aloe vera gell. These are definitely all things you should have one hand so it’s great for anyone who is around babies whether you have one yourself or not. I think the thermometers and band aids are especially good for daycares or babysitters to have.

I actually babysat my friend’s baby a few weeks back and we ran out of wipes since we didn’t have any but the ones she had for us. We ended up getting a whole new box but this would have been great had we been out and needed them right away since the pack includes three tush wipes.

The site is nice to look at and I really love all the products they have, such as a medi buddy or kit for any child. Always good to have on hand! They even have a first aid kit for your pet. As a huge animal fan and a dog-owner, I think this is great and I’m glad it’s available to others. So now you know about it and can check out the site for some last-minute holiday shopping!!

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