(Review) Entrapment by Michael Spooner

Posted July 23, 2009 by shooting in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Entrapment: A High School Comedy in Chat by Michael Spooner
Review by: Lauren
Website: http://mspooner.net/

Summary: Can tru luv pass the test?

Bliss and Tamra are totally convinced that their boyfriends’ hearts lie in the palms of their hands. But when two cynical and mischievous friends beg to differ, a wager is born. An online game of cat-and-mouse ensues, where girl must tempt best friend’s boy, resulting in a comedy of love, hate, flirtation, and revelation.

Told entirely in chat, IM, text, and blog format, this glimpse into games of the heart is as topsy turvy and surprising as . . . your high school love life.

Review: First off, I have to say that I really did enjoy this book. I’d never read a whole story that was told through chat or I.M. (though many of you will know the TTYL series by Lauren Myracle). This type of writing makes the book go by fast, which is a good thing sometimes…especially if you are looking for an amusing, quick read to fill your time. It would also be great for semi-readers (the ones that only crack a book every now and then) as it would hopefully keep their interest.

As for the actual story, Bliss and Tamra are two friends who are completely in love with their respective boyfriends, Mitch and Beau. However, their dear friend Annie is a cynic when it comes to love and she decides that they should test the boys. The girls all come together (with a friend of the boy’s, Johnson) to hatch a scheme. They say that Bliss is out of town helping her grandma and Tamra went with her. While they are “missing” Johnson reveals his summer homework to the boys…a chat room for the exchange students going to their school in the fall. Guess what’s going to happen? That’s right! Bliss and Tamra disguise themselves as Bridget and Tatiana.

The big twist, of course, is that the girls are going to flirt with their friend’s boyfriend and not their own to see what they do while their real-life girlfriend’s are away. Mixed in with this, you start getting some insight into Annie and Johnson’s love lives as well…are they really going to be cynics and womanizers for the rest of their lives? Maybe…at least in High School perhaps.

This is definitely a fun concept for a book and it’s something I could see some girls actually trying (though please don’t, I really felt bad for these boys!) It was definitely a funny book that I enjoyed and would recommend. Summer’s not over…it’s a perfect “beach” read. Then again, when school starts…it’s a perfect “I want to read but have like NO time” read. 🙂

Overall: Good, fun read. Check it out!

P.S. We had a contest for this awhile back and I do have the winner’s info and you will be getting your book. I’m just a bit behind on mailing things out. This goes for everyone who is waiting for something!

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