Just Little Things: A Celebration of Life’s Simple Pleasures by Nancy Vu
Vu is the creator of JustLittleThings.net
Review by Lauren
Copy sent for review, but all opinions are our own
Review: I’m very grateful to have been offered a copy of this little book for review. It’s the perfect size to stuff in a purse or even put in a stocking (if you’re already planning Christmas gifts like I am!) Each page is one color and in bold black on top is a “little thing” that can make someone’s day.
Most of us are quite busy people and it’s nice to remember that everyday can be filled with some little moments that make you smile. Let them be recognized and enjoy them for what they are, even if the rest of your day is stressful, etc.
I like the simplistic nature of the book. Each page is what Nancy posts on her website, in terms of style, and it keeps it easy to read, which is always nice. I read this book all in one day, as each page only takes a few minutes to read. However, I think it could be a fun thing to keep out for visiting friends and family…or even make a deal with yourself that you’ll only read one (or two) pages a day so it lasts longer. You could even give yourself a challenge: try and notice how many of these little things happen in your day-to-day life and which ones mean the most to you, in terms of putting a smile on your face or making you feel relaxed, etc.
The above page is from Vu’s website, where she shared some pages from the book. I wanted to show you the size, set up of the pages, and even some of the “little things” you can expect to find in the book.
I found myself agreeing with almost all of these “little things” but some of my favorites were Having something to look forward too, Accents, Free stuff, and When a baby falls asleep in your arms.
Are any of the above “little things” you enjoy? Share your own “little things” in the comments too!
The simplicity and the positive message sounds great.
Aw I like this a lot!
I'm glad that you liked this one was so simple but it sounds so relaxing and amazing! The little things look soo adorable and like a great way to recognize the things that are worth it in your life 🙂
This sounds really good and might make a good mothers day gift! I think it's important to remember those little moments. Sometimes certain things just strike you as special. Tonight it was when I was watering the plants outside and it was just so peaceful and smelled like fresh mown grass and I could hear the kids playing. It was a special moment.
Sounds like a great present for all family and friends, something for them to open and read a page a day.
Aww, how nice. I think I definitely take the little things for granted. Sometimes I get caught up in the bad and it ruins my day. A book like this would be a good reminder to have around the house, for sure!