Ripley’s Believe it Or Not- Reality Shock!

Posted September 1, 2014 by shooting in Uncategorized / 20 Comments

Ripley’s Believe it or Not- Reality Shock!

Review by Lauren

Source: copy sent for review; all opinions are my own

Review: I’ve been sent a few different Ripley’s books to review in the past and I always find them to be really interesting. I’m one of those people that like strange stories and random facts, so Ripley’s definitely fits into that. I’m not a huge fan of the animal pages since spiders and certain things really freak me out, but besides that, I’m not really disturbed by any of the photos or stories within these pages.

As a Doctor Who fan, it was cool to see a two-page spread full of just DW information, like a man who owns 1,200 Daleks. Sheesh, that’s a lot!

I find myself particularly attracted to the art sections of Ripley’s because it’s amazing to see what people can create with such unique mediums. There is an artist named Anastassia Elias who creates miniature scenes inside toilet paper rolls. I found some photos online that show off her work, so I thought I’d include a couple photos below (do not own images!):


I won’t go on and on in this review, as most of you have probably seen a Ripley’s book before and know what to expect. If you have not, they are worth checking out!

20 responses to “Ripley’s Believe it Or Not- Reality Shock!

  1. That art is so creative! I'm curious about how the artist managed to fit that much detail into such a tiny piece.

    I don't think I've read a Ripley's book before, but I've seen them around. They definitely sound very unique 😉

  2. I'm a fan of random and strange facts, too! We had a book on our coffee table while I was a teenager and I think the title was something like that: Strange Stories and Amazing Facts? Something similar. Anyhow, I totally get creeped out by spiders and insects so I'd have to skip that section as well. Great review, Lauren! 🙂

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