A Rose to the Fallen by April Bostic

Posted September 14, 2010 by alicia in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

A Rose to the Fallen by April Bostic
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Age Group: Adult
Formant: Paperback, 676 pgs.
Release Date: Out Now
My Copy: PDF, 676 pgs.
Source: Author

Review by: Alicia


Do soul mates really exist? Is there another person out there who was born just for you? And are they the only one who can answer your heart’s call? Bridget Monahan is an elementary school teacher and she’s about to find out the answers. Her heart is on the mend from many failed relationships, she’s a skeptic when it comes to finding love, and the last thing she wants is to be set up on a blind date. However, she’s introduced to the charming bad boy Tristan Hathaway. Bridget’s first impression of Tristan is he reminds her of a beautiful fallen angel with a British accent that makes her knees weak. When they begin their passionate romance, Tristan is able to break her defenses that were guarding her heart for so long. Despite being opposites, she allows herself to fall deeper in love with him and starts to believe they are soul mates. Bridget unexpectedly becomes the student in this magical love affair and her biggest lesson is there’s more to Tristan than she ever imagined.


Let me start off by saying that this book is definitely an adult book.

A Rose to the Fallen is considered a paranormal romance book, and while the romance was there, the paranormal really wasn’t. There were subtle hints of it, but nothing really happened until the end of the book. The lack of paranormal was very frustrating, but the romance made up for it.

Bridget and Tristan were incredibly interesting main characters. Their relationship was far from perfect as were they—which I appreciated. I absolutely loved reading about them, but there were times when they got on my nerves. Tristan, for instance, could be incredibly possessive, jealous and almost obsessive at times which I really didn’t like. Then there were times when Bridget was just plain stupid and I wanted to slap her. Other than that though, I enjoyed reading about them.

The story covers pretty much their entire relationship which I loved. I’m one of those people that wants to know just about everything about the characters. The ending was a shock for me, but the epilogue made everything better.

Overall, I loved reading this book. I was pretty much swept away when Bridget met Tristan, and that feeling lasted until the last page.

Cover comments: Definitely fits.

Overall: 4/5

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