Sesame Street’s Messy Alphabet Book + Giveaway

Posted September 18, 2017 by shooting in Book Review, Giveaway / 14 Comments

“You know, it seems like every alphabet book I read is full of nice, clean things like cute kittens, cuddly puppies, and shiny new toys. I think it’s time for a new alphabet book, a MESSY alphabet book.” — Oscar the Grouch

Sesame Street: The Messy Alphabet Book 

Review by Lauren

source: copy from Put Me In the Story; all opinions are my own

Buy Your Copy here

Official Summary: 

Join Elmo, Oscar the Grouch, and the rest of your Sesame Street friends as they splat, splash, crash, and dash their way through The Messy Alphabet Book!

Oscar is tired of the same old ABCs. They’re too predictable, too perfect, too clean. In his version, your child finds out that G stands for gooey, M stands for mud-coated, and T stands for tuna fish-marshmallow blend (yuck!). Your kiddo will have a blast learning their ABCs in this silly, scrambled take on alphabet books.

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Review: Put Me in the Story creates books that let you personalize them for the young children in your lives. I decided to create one for my friend’s little girl when I was asked to review Sesame Street’s Messy Alphabet Book. This is such a fun way to go over your ABC’s because all of the letters are messy, crazy fun.

I is for indigo paint on your door.

J is for juice all over the floor.

What I love is that all of the alphabet moments rhyme, which make reading them aloud even more enjoyable. The rest of the book is conversations between the various Sesame Street characters! I thought there was a nice mix between both styles.

One of the things that I think is really fun about these books is the personalized moments. I was able to choose a photo of Madison for the beginning of the book, as well as personalize it with a little note.

This is something that all Put Me in the Story books have in common, but some, like this one, have other fun additions. For example, there are two pages near the end of the book with the child’s initials – one page had a big M and the other had a big H (for the girl that I made the book for) and it tells them to make these letters as messy as they can! It’s a fun little activity to do after reading the book for the first time!

There is even another page with the photo I chose at the very end of the book that says World’s Messiest Monster on the top and the name underneath the photo. It’s such a cute way to end the book, and it’s even a page you could pull out of the book and hang up if you want! Along with all of the rest of these personalizations, the child’s name (in this case, Madison) is used repeatedly throughout the book so it’s not just a one-time thing!

These books – and this one in particular – is so much fun! I don’t know any child that wouldn’t be excited to receive a book that used their name and photo!

Interested in winning your own copy?

o   Includes personalized copies of:
§  Sesame Street: The Messy Alphabet Book
§  Sesame Street: Just One You!
§  Sesame Street: I Love You Just Like This!
§  Sesame Street: Let’s Make a Friend
§  And an Elmo Plush
This giveaway is hosted by Put Me in the Story; I’m just spreading the word!
Find the Rafflecopter to enter here. Good luck!

14 responses to “Sesame Street’s Messy Alphabet Book + Giveaway

  1. Oh, my goodness!! What a cute book this is! I love messy anything and couldn’t agree more with Elmo. It is high time for a messy alphabet book — love the rhymes, too 🙂

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