Seven of Spades series by Cordelia Kingsbridge

Posted April 1, 2019 by shooting in Book Review / 27 Comments

M/M Mystery Series
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It was about a month ago that I binge read the first four books in the Seven of Spades series. This is such an amazing series. It’s full of mystery, suspense, friendship, and yes, romance. Having read and loved the first four books, I was so happy that I didn’t have to wait long for the fifth book, A Chip and a Chair, and thanks to Netgalley, I even got a copy to review! This no way influences my opinion though – I truly love these books and I thought A Chip and a Chair was a great ending, though I’m still sad that it’s over.

To give you a run down on the series – it’s about Detective Levi Abrams and ex-Bounty Hunter/Private Investigator, Dominic Russo. These two meet and eventually fall in love, but it’s not easy – not in their relationship and not in the events surrounding them. Las Vegas has become the target of a fearsome serial killer known as the Seven of Spades. They seem to only kill people who they believe have gotten away with a crime and need to be punished. A vigilante killer, if you will.

The Seven of Spades series by Cordelia Kingsbridge is over, and I'm sad, but it was AMAZING! #bookreview #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

Obviously, Levi and his team are on the case – but as the books go on, the killer becomes more and more attached to Levi, causing a lot of mayhem in his life. These books are full of violence, but I never felt like the descriptions went too far. It was just enough to understand what’s happening and to feel the horror. I loved the mystery of these books. The Seven of Spades is revealed in the final book, and I was shocked. I seriously had no inclination this person was the Seven of Spades, and I imagine many others will be surprised too.

Along with the mystery and suspense, I just really loved the characters. Neither Levi or Dominic are perfect. Levi battles with his anger and slight love of violence, and Dominic is a gambling addict. There are issues they must face together, and apart, and they aren’t always the best to each other. However, it’s obvious there is true love there, and that they would do anything for each other. Honestly, I think I’m going to miss their dynamic most of all – can we get some more mysteries with Levi and Dominic? I’d snatch those up quick!

A Chip and a Chair was a wonderful finale (totally five star worthy), and I’m so glad I was given the chance to read and review it, though it’s out now so you can’t start your own binge read of the series! I read all of these books in an e-format, but it’s a series that I would just LOVE to own as physical copies so I can put them on my shelves and hopefully re-read again in the future. I might need to get started on buying those.

So tell me: have you read any of these books? Are you going to go grab the first book, Kill Game, now? *whisper* the answer is yes!!

27 responses to “Seven of Spades series by Cordelia Kingsbridge

  1. I love when I just need to binge read a series. It is the best feeling. I think I’ve only read one game type serial killer story before. I don’t know why I don’t read more like them because they are a lot of fun.
    Maybe the author will hear your plea and continue the series or add a spinoff. Something I have said to myself a number of times… (;

    Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind recently posted: 30 Day Fitness Challenge | Running
  2. I like getting hooked on a series, sometimes it motivates me to read more! This one definitely sounds like it has a lot of suspense and entertainment in each one! I’ll have to check it out!

  3. Kim

    Hmmm, Im liking the sound of this! I just saved it on my to read list and will look for it. Something different sounds good right now and Im a sucker for a series too πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!! Have an amazing week!!

    Kim recently posted: Menu Monday: 4β€’1β€’19
  4. I love it when a series is amazing from start to finish! And when the author can still surprise you after five books?? That’s awesome! I like the concept of the mystery, too! Sorry it’s over for you!

  5. that’s awesome glad you were able to just get through all of them. I love when you find a series that gets you on a roll.

  6. Oh, I just love binge reading a series when it’s good! I’ve been kind of doing that with Mercy Kilpatrick. Love that one. This sounds really good, too! Fab review! πŸ™‚

  7. I love binge reading! And it sounds like this series had great characters, great plot, great mystery, great relationship—great everything! I like it when the characters don’t have it too easy, makes it that much sweeter if they do get a happy ending πŸ™‚

  8. I absolutely love it when you find a new series and adore it! It’s such fun being so invested in a series and just devouring it.

    Have you read Criminal Intentions by Cole McCade, Lauren? It’s a series about two queer detectives solving a new mystery every novel and they are SO GOOD. This series reminded me of it so if you’re looking for something similar I would suggest giving it a go!

    I’m definitely going to look this series up because of how much I love CI. I need more queer detective stories in my life, haha πŸ™‚

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