Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
Review by Lauren
bought my own copy, opinions are my own
Official Summary: What if someone discovers your secret dream, that one great wish you would do
anything for? And what if that someone suddenly makes your dream come
true–before you learn the price you have to pay? “Something Wicked This Way
Comes” is the story of two boys who encounter the sinister wonders of Cooger and
Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show. They will soon discover the show’s awful
mystery–a mystery that will change the life of every person it touches–in this
stunning masterwork of dark fantasy by Ray Bradbury.
Review: Most people have read Ray Bradbury in high school English, but I never had to, so Something Wicked This Way Comes is actually my first novel by this author. I’d seen this book around for awhile and I figured October was the best time to finally check it out.
First off, I have to say that I liked the overall story and message throughout the book. This book follows a few point of views in third-person, but mainly William, a pre-teen boy. Will and his best friend Jim soon discover that the carnival that has come into town is not a place to let yourself become lost. There are sinister secrets behind the owners, the exhibits, and the other “freaks” that inhabit the show. Everyone and everything is not as it appears.
This is definitely a fun book to read when the nights are dark and magic seems more real. However, this is something I could picture students reading in school. What I mean is that it has a literary feel, intricate writing, and reads less like a “fun and fast read.” It took me a bit to get through the entire book, and sometimes I wasn’t sure if it was the right fit for me…but I kept going forward. While I never found myself desperate to pick up the book and read, once I started, the pages did go by quick.
Sometimes the boys seemed a bit older than their years, but based on what they were going through, it made sense. I also found myself comparing Will to Corey Matthews and Jim to Shawn Hunter from the show Boy Meets World. They are both young and in search of adventure, but Will is much more cautious than Jim.
In the end, I think this is something that a book club could find a lot to discuss about!
Picture that nicely depicts the book’s carnival:
Love that pic!
I love that you compared it to Boy Meets World! Makes sense, but it's an interesting connection.
Loving the idea of Cooger and Dark's Pandemonium Shadow Show. I wonder if I could persuade my reading group to read this.
I did not have to read this in high school, but it does sounds like a pretty good book even though I'm all for the fun and fast paced reads 🙂 Great review!
Janina @ Synchronized Reading
I have heard of this author and his books but haven't read any. It's a surprise but we'll probably read it sometimes in the future. I'm so glad you liked it overall and I can see I'll enjoy our discussions in class. Great review, Mag 🙂
I have never read Ray Bradbury – of even heard of him for that matter. But this sounds dark and sinister which is right up my alley. Love the carnival picture! Very atmospheric!
I've heard tons about Bradbury, but have never read his work. I'm glad this was worth the effort!
I was not expecting a Boy Meets World comparison, but I like it. 🙂 I've only read Fahrenheit 451, but this is definitely on my list. Great review!
It seems like I had to read him school but have zero recollection of it. I'm not sure if I'd start with this one, but it sounds interesting. Especially if it has enough for a book club to discuss.
I read this years ago and loved it.
I think I have the ebook. I remember seeing them on Amazon, maybe on sale, and purchasing quite a few. I'd love to reread his books.
Hmm.. never heard of this one before.
Lovely review, Lauren! <33
I have always wanted to read this!
I highly recommend Fahrenhite 451 if you haven't read it, and you can always borrow it from my collection!
I highly recommend Fahrenhite 451 if you haven't read it, and you can always borrow it from my collection!
I've been wanting to read this one for ages! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. Great review!
Lauren you always seem to be reviewing great books that I've never heard of before. I'm glad that despite the initial slow start you thought that this was a great read. I will have to give this book a go one day! Great review! 🙂
I've never read anything by Ray Bradbury! This one sounds interesting though. I would definitely want to read this one as part of a group so I didn't miss out on anything… I feel like I get more out of these literary reads when I read them as part of a group. It's funny that it made you think of Boy Meets World!
I've never read Ray Bradbury before… I don't know why, but I've never even been curious. Now I think maybe I'll try to give a least one of his books a go in the next year or so. I like the pic too!