Blog Tour Review/Giveaway: The Splendid Baron Submarine

Posted December 4, 2017 by shooting in Book Review, Giveaway / 17 Comments

The Splendid Baron Submarine by Eric Bower

Review by Lauren

source: copy from The Children’s Book Review and Amberjack Publishing (this is also a sponsored post); all opinions are my own

Official Summary (add on Goodreads)Waldo “W.B.” Baron is back with another amazing adventure in another incredible invention! Pirate treasure? A clandestine meeting? A terribly rude monkey with personal boundary and hygiene issues? Two of those things sound like a dream come true to W.B, whose clever inventor parents are hired―by the Vice President!―to go on a super secret and intensely important treasure hunt to repay a national debt. If only it weren’t for that lousy, rude monkey, it would be the beginning of a perfect adventure. But at least it isn’t squirrels…

The treasure hunt gives the Baron family the opportunity to use their exceptional steam-powered submarine, freshly biggened and ready for adventure! But things are seldom straightforward for the eccentric Baron family, and this treasure hunt is no exception. W.B.’s trademark bad luck has him suffering monstrous marine misfortune and marauding monkey misery.

Can the Baron family embark on their newest adventure without the eggy and depressing Aunt Dorcas? Will the Barons find the treasure they seek? Will they save the country from financial ruin? Where does the monkey fit in, anyway? Do we like asking questions? Not really, but inside you’ll meet someone who likes asking questions and then answering them (despite his claims to the contrary, he really does like it).

Oh, did we mention the pirate’s curse?

Middle Grade Book Review/Giveaway: The Splendid Baron Submarine by Eric Bower #bookreview #ad #kidlit Share on X

Review: The Splendid Baron Submarine is the second book in the series, but having never read the first, I can tell you that you can easily jump into the story here! This is a story about W.B., but it’s also very much about his parents and their assistant. I liked that it was a big family affair! This is definitely an incredibly imaginative book full of crazy inventions like something that turns gravity upside down or makes a tiny submarine into one large enough to actually explore in. When the Baron family is “hired” by the Vice President of the United States, they take this submarine on an exciting adventure. Unfortunately, a monkey ends up traveling with them too…and he definitely seems out for W.B.!

The Splendid Baron Submarine is definitely not realistic, but it’s a fun middle grade read (or something you could even have fun reading aloud)! It’s unrealistic nature makes it exciting though! W.B. is chased by a shark and an eel (hence the book cover), terrorized by a monkey, and throughout all of this, he has to deal with the crazy inventions that his dad comes up with. And let me tell you, W.B.’s dad might be a genius, but he’s a kooky one who definitely needs his wife to keep him from wandering into trouble!

All in all, this was a fun, humorous read! I’m glad to have had the chance to check it out…and if you want to read it too, look at the giveaway below!


Enter to win a The Splendid Baron Submarine themed prize pack!

One (1) winner receives:

  • A copy of The Splendid Baron Submarine, by Eric Bower

  • A The Splendid Baron Submarine themed gift pack. Includes some pirate-themed goodies, Go Fish, and ghostly treats as well.

Giveaway begins November 15, 2017, at 12:01 A.M. MT and ends December 15, 2017, at 11:59 P.M. MT.

Giveaway open to residents of the fifty United States and the District of Columbia who are 13 and older.

Prizes provided by Amberjack Publishing

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If the above doesn’t load, visit this link to enter the giveaway!

17 responses to “Blog Tour Review/Giveaway: The Splendid Baron Submarine

  1. Carol Luciano

    Thanks for your review of the book. I think my grandson would enjoy the antics of said monkey. 🙂
    Carol L

  2. Oh, my goodness… what a fun book! I would have been ALL over this in my younger days, but I know quite a few kiddos who would love to read about these monkey adventures and treasure hunts 🙂 Thanks for sharing–I just entered the giveaway! XOXO

  3. This sounds adorable Lauren! I’m a massive fan of middle grade adventure but baffled how a monkey ended up on a submarine. I’ll be keeping an eye out for this one to grab a copy for a fun, entertaining read. Thanks so much for sharing, wonderful review! <3

  4. This sounds like such a fun read! Jona may be a bit young for it right now but I bet it’s something he would enjoy in a year or two for sure. I’d love to win! 🙂

  5. This sounds super cute, Lauren! A mischievous monkey? How fun! My grandson (2yrs old) is a mischievous little monkey! I think he’d enjoy having this read to him. I love the cover, too. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 🙂

  6. Jen

    This looks so fun! Thanks for sharing your review with us. I want to read this with my kids now :)Just entered the giveaway too!

  7. I don’t know where you find all of these great books, but you’re awesome for it! This looks like a good little book and I can’t wait until we can start doing chapter stories at bedtime!

  8. I am looking for fun MG reads for my son, he is a fast, strong reader, but picky. Maybe the humor would be good for him. Thanks for the chance to win. I want to win this to give to my son.

  9. I love when you can pick up a book in series and read it without having to have read the previous ones. This does sound interesting and fun!

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