Update On My Spring Bucket List

Posted May 21, 2018 by shooting in Cincinnati, Personal / 41 Comments

Hey everyone – I hope you had a great weekend. Today, I’m back linking up with some other fab bloggers to share an update on our Spring/Fall bucket lists. I had 8 items on my list so let’s see how I did!

Spring is halfway done - how are you doing your own spring bucket list? #springbucketlist #ontheblog Share on X
  1. Go to the Cincinnati Zoo (Yes, I went once with my mom, sister, sister-in-law, brother, both nieces, and my nephew! It was a lot of fun, even though we only got to see Fiona from behind.)
  2. Go to Washington Park (Not yet. I had hoped to go already, but the two times they had events, it just didn’t work out for my family to go – but soon!)
  3. Join a Gym (Yes, I did! I need to renew my pass though. I renew it every month, which I like, so I’m not wasting money).
  4. Go to the Drive-In (Not yet! I had plans to go with my family one night, but alas, it just didn’t work out.)
  5. Do something fun for my birthday (it’s May 30th; I don’t have a set idea at the moment) (Well, it’s not my birthday yet so that would be a no. I still need to figure out what I want to do!)
  6. Host my friend’s baby shower (Yes! I think it was a success. I should have more on that this week).
  7. Go to the Dari-Bar (it’s an ice cream place near me) (Yes! More than once too. So good!)
  8. See Aladdin the Musical (I do have tickets!) (My show isn’t until June 3…so it’s coming soon!)

That would be 4/8 and half isn’t too bad since a couple of these are things I couldn’t do yet even if I wanted…they haven’t happened yet!

What about you? Have you crossed anything off your spring/fall bucket list?

Check out the other blogger’s updates below:


41 responses to “Update On My Spring Bucket List

  1. Congrats on being halfway through your spring bucket list. I really don’t have any serious spring bucketlist myself. We don’t have spring here in my country it’s dry seaason and it’s freaking hot maybe all I wanna do is hit the beach or something.

    And advance happy birthday to you!!!

  2. The bucket list idea is a good one- I’ve got to try it! I’ll have to make one for the winter though since I live in Arizona. In the summer everyone stays indoors or in water because it’s so hot!

  3. Such a fun list! I just put together my summer bucket list and hope to check a lot off that in the upcoming months!

  4. Ooh, the visit to the zoo sounds fun! And I love going to a drive-in theater in the summer! It’s been years since I’ve been to one of those!

  5. I love the idea of a drive-in! Or just an outdoor movie…our block party might have one for everyone in a backyard. I hope it happens!

  6. RO

    Kudos on getting halfway through your list. That’s pretty phenomenal. The last time I visited a drive-in, which was years ago, I actually fell asleep, and was the last person in the parking lot when they were trying to close. (lol) Hugs…RO

  7. I’d say doing half your list when we’re about halfway through spring is really good! I’ve done a few things on my list so far but there is still a lot I haven’t done, but we have a long weekend coming up, so I think I’ll be able to check a few more off!

  8. I haven’t made a spring bucket list, but I may have to consider making one for the summer with trips to the beach, bike rides in the sunshine, and of course walking to get some dairy-free ice cream!

  9. It sounds like you’ve already done a ton, way to go! There’s a drive in theater not too far from me, I need to try that out as well. And I also like to make frequent stops for ice cream! πŸ™‚

  10. That’s so awesome you have a bucket list and are sticking to it. You’ve done and are going to do some fun things! Happy early birthday!

  11. I did not make a list for the spring with the baby being due. I am glad I didn’t as he came early. Looks like you did good with yours! I haven’t been to a zoo in ages! I want to go to the zoo that has April the Giraffe. It is not far from my house. I should put that on the list for this summer!

    Trish @ The Trish List recently posted: All About the Weekend Vol. 2
  12. There’s just something amazing about marking things off of a bucket list and I really love all the stuff you’ve done so far! Haven’t ever been to Cincinnati, but it looks like a fun place to visit! Happy Birthday a little early, by the way! Have you decided what you want to do to celebrate yet?!

  13. Well done on doing so well on your bucket list! I love reading posts like this and I’m doing one for winter (started putting it together yesterday).
    Hope you have a fantastic birthday later in the month – just over a week to go πŸ™‚

  14. Sounds like you got a lot checked off. That Dairy Bar place sounds good, reminds me of a place called Dairy Delight that I used to work by. I need to get back to the zoo again with the kids this month, I have a couple of things to use up on our membership before it expires.


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