Stephanie Kuehnert Week!

Posted June 30, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

That’s right…right here on Shooting Stars Mag blog, we are having a week dedicated to debut author Stephanie Kuehnert. I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone is being released on July 8, 2008 which is next week…so mark that down and be ready to get your own copy…or go and pre-order it now! I hear Amazon is already shipping off copies.

So, you might be wondering: “Why are they doing this?” “Don’t authors usually have their own stuff going on?”

Well, we love Stephanie. Simple as that. She’s an awesome person and deserves to have a party! Yes, I’m sure she’ll have stuff going on herself, but that’s not the point…WE wanted to do something. So keep checking back for OUR review of IWBYJR, links to other book reviewers reviews, Musical Guest Blogs from other authors, giveaways, and even a HUGE giveaway!

We also wanted to make this a surprise…so you didn’t know about it until now…but neither did Stephanie, so here you go!

Love you Stephanie and Congrats on your debut!

-Shooting Stars

Stephanie’s Myspace: Add Her!

3 responses to “Stephanie Kuehnert Week!

  1. Oh my god, you are so amazing!!!!! I can’t believe you guys are doing this!!!!! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the support and especially seeing this when I am going through a hard time personally with the death of my friend. You cheered me up beyond belief. Thank you!!!! XOXOOXOX

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