Summer 2022 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop (International)

Posted June 22, 2022 by shooting in Giveaway / 28 Comments

Happy Summer! I’m about a day late in posting this, but I’m just going to blame the heat. It’s been ridiculously hot! The Summer 2022 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop is hosted by myself, Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight, and Alysia @ Mocha Girls Read.

My giveaway is for a book of your choice up to $20 or a $20 gift card to get a book. It’s open International if you can accept PayPal or a book from The Book Depository!

Giveaway Time-

18+ to enter or have parental consent

More ways you enter, the more chances you have

Giveaway will end on September 21, and you can post your own giveaway until July 1 in the link-up below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Go and enter more giveaways-

28 responses to “Summer 2022 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop (International)

  1. Danielle Hammelef

    My favorite part of summer is wearing shorts, tank tops, and flip flops–less laundry LOL. I also enjoy reading outside or at least next to an open window.

    • What a fun summer giveaway! Hmm, favorite part is probably being able to eat outside, reading at the lake, and summer concerts ❀️ Thanks for sharing this and stay cool! I heard it’s been so brutal in many parts of the country lately.

  2. Bea LaRocca

    My favorite part of summer is spending time with my family outdoors, barbecues, trips to the beach and the water-park, going to the drive-in when we can find one that is open

  3. Amanda

    I recently read Out of my Heart, which is about a summer camp for kids with disabilities – I loved it!

  4. Summer

    My favorite part of summer is the warm weather and a favorite summer read would be The Peaches trilogy by Jodi Lynn Andereson.

  5. Lydia

    My favorite part of summer is that all the leaves are out! Winter can start to get a little bleak.

  6. Tammy Evans

    My favorite part of summer is all the outdoor activities, swimming at the beach, kayaking, paddleboarding, fishing, grilling, and especially reading a book in a hammock!

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