Summertime Fitness: My 4 Tips to Make it Fun!

Posted July 29, 2019 by shooting in Fitness / 29 Comments

working with Adidas; not a sponsored post

Fitness In the Summer

We’re about halfway through the summer months and I wanted to talk about Summertime Fitness. It’s easy to get lazy in the summer, especially if you’re not a huge fan of the heat. You either have to wake up super early and move, or find other ways to get in exercise throughout the day.

One:Β Walk Somewhere Fun

One thing that I love about the summer is that there are a lot of fun outdoor events going on. You can easily get in steps if you visit one of these places and walk, walk, walk. There are amusement parks, water parks, outdoor festivals, state and county fairs, and more. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and don’t ruin all your walking by eating every single snack you find!

Two: Take an Exercise Class

I didn’t start taking dance classes until my early 20’s, but once I did, I fell in love. It’s definitely a fun way to get moving. I ended up transferring to a new studio last year and to check it out, I took a class during the summer to see what I thought. I loved it and I’ve been there since. Summer is a great time for any type of exercise class – dance or otherwise – because they don’t last all year long. You can try something new and see if it’s a class you want to keep doing in the future!

Three: Find the Right Summer Gear

I had fun looking at all the workout options you can get from Adidas. You definitely want to make sure you’re finding the right exercise gear for your summer fitness. Do you need tights? What about specific types of shoes? I know, for me, I always need a really good workout bra and I’m definitely in the market for some new ones! You can find some of the options that I liked in the images below!

Four: Jump In the Pool!

Summer is the best time to exercise in the water. You’re still getting a workout, but the water keeps you cool so you aren’t sweating all over the place. If you have a pool, work on your arms and legs by swimming from one end to the other – or look up other fun water exercises that you can do. I’ve even seen water weights!


I hope these four tips give you some ideas on how to make your summertime fitness a bit more fun. Again, I’m sharing some products from Adidas that are officially on my wish list!

See anything you like below? Have a favorite tip from this post, or your own summertime fitness tips?

Don’t forget to find the best sports bra for the fitness activity you want to do!
Go from one activity to another with these fun slides!
Find a work out shirt that works for you!
These leggings are great for the summer months!
How fun are these leggings? I could use some fun patterns!

29 responses to “Summertime Fitness: My 4 Tips to Make it Fun!

  1. I really like the idea of walking somewhere fun. We don’t have a whole lot of fun places we can walk to but we do bike to the gym now and then. And will drive up for ice cream but then walk all around the shopping center with ice cream in hand. We used to have a neighborhood frozen yogurt shop but it went out of business. Loved walking up there on the hottest summer nights and eating our yogurt all the way back home.

    Leslie Susan Clingan recently posted: Dream Home: Short Story Prompt 07.2019
    • Kim

      I love fun leggings. I used to be a black leggings only but it got boring. Not I’m all about some color and designs! I think I just might take the boys to the pool tomorrow now that you mention it πŸ™‚ Finding a sports bra is always a great pain in the butt but I have an under armor one that I used to love. Its seen better days and it’s probably time for a new on! Have a great week!

      Kim recently posted: Menu Monday 7β€’29β€’19
  2. I love these tips. The dogs and I went on a morning walk Sunday and it was lovely. I am ALWAYS down for swimming, too!! I love those leggings with the mesh! Those are my favorite kind- especially for hot yoga!

  3. Uhm, the last pair of leggings you shared are super adorable! And I like to change it up in the summer months, because I have a hard time staying motivated, so try to take new routes, or like you said, go to new exciting places. It’s been nice to bring the pup around, but he’s still young and goofy and misbehaved, so working on that πŸ™‚

    These are great tips!

  4. Yes yes yes to walking and swimming! Swimming is so fun you almost forget you’ve been working out! Love all this cute workout gear you shared!

  5. “Don’t ruin all your walking by eating every single snack you find” – dang I feel so attacked right now, LOL. I love snacking when I’m walking and seeing some of the events going on in the area that I stumble upon. I miss swimming though; it’s one of my favorite activities to keep me cool in the summer when I could go to the pool.

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  6. Great advice! This time of year usually sees me hide away from scorching Texas heat. Naturally, my usual routine of taking my dog for a run around the neighborhood pond evaporates in that hot sun lol. I’ve actually taken to going to the mall near my house to walk in the mornings. I’m the youngest person there, but at least its something. Having a good audiobook to listen to also helps motivate me to get moving!

    Ethan recently posted: The Escape Room by Megan Goldin
  7. I love going to festivals and events like that because then I’ll walk a lot haha even if it’s hot out! If I’m home I’m more likely to get lazy. πŸ™‚ Being out and about and walking out to a pier, or through a park or whatever, is so fun in the summer.

  8. Walking somewhere fun is a great idea, maybe by the beach with some lovely views. I do a lot of indoor moves or routines that I find through MyFitnessPal blog, Shape magazine and Pinterest. They have a lot of video workouts that’ll kick your butt without having to leave the house. Wonderful post, Lauren! πŸ™‚

  9. Great exercise tips for the summer! I like to walk in the evening once it cools off, or walk in the air conditioned mall. Swimming is the best exercise for the whole body. I love the pics of all of the workout gear. I love to wear that type of stuff even when I’m not working out-it’s so comfortable!

  10. RO

    I totally agree with walking somewhere fun. I do better with that than walking around a track. I’ve also been working out to Youtube videos which is great because they are FREE. Hope your day is amazing! Hugs, RO

  11. Jen

    I am completely living in the pool these days! It’s cool, it’s fun and like you shared it really is sneaky exercise πŸ™‚

  12. The one thing I haven’t done yet this year and I told myself I would, is swim! I use to love swimming and then..I don’t know. I seriously haven’t been in years. Maybe I’m not brave enough yet to get into a swimsuit LOL!

  13. I LOVE walking at our lake every day. It’s like a mental and physical workout. I get my steps but also let go of the stress. It’s so beautiful and relaxing there.

    The other cool thing about the summers here is the workout gear. In FL you need to be almost naked lol but here the afternoons are nice and breezy so I’ve been able to buy cute leggings and shorts.

    My peeve about sports bras – why do they have to be pulled over your head??? That’s bad enough but after you work out and are sweaty?? All sports bras should have clasps for removal. Rant over hahaha!

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

  14. I absolutely love your advice, especially that first one as I have started walking more of my local stores in the summertime. I am not buying much, but just keeping cool indoors with AC, browsing and getting steps in, as well. For a person like me that loves to shop though this is so much fun and yet I am not even spending much money-wise πŸ™‚

  15. I do hot yoga. so no matter what weather it is, I’m hot. It’s way nicer getting into my car in the winter after yoga than it is now though. But I love the way my muscles stretch in the heated studio. Anyway, I have small boobs, so almost any sports bra will work for me– I can imagine it’s a way bigger deal when you have bigger ones to hold down.

  16. I am always happy when the nice weather arrives so we can walk outdoors. We have a couple of lovely parks nearby that we enjoy visiting and walking through. Great tips!

  17. These are great tips, Lauren! I really like getting some exercise in the pool. It’s a fun way to get some movement/activity in while staying cool. And the resistance is gentle on the body instead of pounding the pavement.

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