Sunday Post (9): My Surgery Went Well

Posted January 10, 2016 by shooting in Uncategorized / 28 Comments

Sunday Post is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer 
Sorry this is late; I haven’t been up to posting these past few days. I had surgery on my right ear Friday morning to close up a hole in my ear drum that has been there for over a year now. It will hopefully keep me from getting all the ear infections I’ve been dealing with. I’m doing pretty well. My throat hurts a lot from the breathing tube and my body is sore from the anesthesia, but my actual ear isn’t too bad. I’ll be off work for a week so I’ll be able to rest up and hopefully I can get some posts scheduled this week! 
Besides that, nothing too new is going on. I’ve been doing a lot of reading; trying to get through some review books and library copies I have!


Last Week on Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance
Music to Start the Year: “Young Love” by Eli Lieb
Repost Review: First Person Plural by Andrew W.M. Beierle 
LGBTQIA Challenge Update + Add Me on Goodreads (Add me on Goodreads if you follow here too!)

This Week on Shooting Stars Mag

Honestly, I’m not sure. I know Alicia has something scheduled for Friday and I’m going to try and get some reviews/other posts scheduled out for this week and the rest of the month, I hope. I have about five books I currently need to review and I really want to focus on a discussion post or two for January.


I hope everyone had a nice week and I hope this week is just as good or even better! We got some snow where I live today which is kind of nice. I’m all wrapped up in a blanket at the moment relaxing so I suppose it came at a good time! How was your week? Feel free to link to your Sunday Post or other weekly wrap-up!

28 responses to “Sunday Post (9): My Surgery Went Well

  1. I had surgery on my ear a few years ago for the same thing! I have always had terrible ear infections as well. Sadly, once they got int the operating room with the better magnifying scope, the found more than 1 tear and my ear drum was pretty much eviserated. So, they tried to patch it but it didn't work. Glad they were able to fix yours! I know how frustrating constant ear issues can be!

  2. That ear surgery sounds scary, but that's good it's fixed now and hopefully you won't get any ear infections anymore. I never had an ear infection myself, but I hear they're really painfull. Enjoy your time off to recover. Have a great week!

  3. My week was extremely productive! We are all caught up with our studies on the homeschool front and I'm doing really good as far as my reading goals go.

    On another note, so glad to hear the surgery went well, Lauren. I know first hand how crummy the post surgery recovery can be. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. A hole in your eardrum! Oh man, Lauren, that sounds very unpleasant. I've never been prone to ear infections, but I know people who are and my understanding is they can be very painful. SO glad your surgery went well and I hope this means no more ear infections going forward. Take care!

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