Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Age Group: YA
Formant: Hardcover, 416 pages
Release Date: 7/12/11—Out Now
My Copy: Hardcover
Source: Bought
Review by: Alicia
Amy Goodnight’s family is far from normal. She comes from a line of witches, but tries her best to stay far outside the family business. Her summer gig? Ranch-sitting for her aunt with her wacky but beautiful sister. Only the Goodnight Ranch is even less normal than it normally is. Bodies are being discovered, a ghost is on the prowl, and everywhere she turns, the hot neighbor cowboy is in her face.
I love Rosemary Clement-Moore’s books. Just absolutely love them. So going into Texas Gothic, I had high hopes that it would be just as fantastic as her other books. Luckily, Texas Gothic surpassed my hopes, and became my favorite Clement-Moore book.
I could probably sum Texas Gothic up in these words: hawt* cowboy, witches, ghosts, archeology, hilarious moments, and oh, did I mention the very hawt cowboy? All of these things make up one fantastic book that I recommend everyone reads. The archeology bits had the inner archeology/history nerd in me shouting for joy. I just love that stuff. And the parts with the dead bodies and ghosts were so creepy.
I loved reading about Amy. She was very easy to connect to and I enjoyed her journey. As soon as I started reading and got to the part where she ran outside in only her bra and underwear to chase a cow away from her car, I knew that I was going to love Amy and the book.
And then there’s the hawt cowboy, also known as Ben. I loved Ben right from the start, even though he acted like a jerk on and off throughout the book. Can I just say that I loved that Amy did not put up with his crap? Because that is something you don’t always see in books where the guy sometimes acts like a jerk.
All of the secondary characters were fantastic, from Amy’s sister Phin, to the university students working on digging up the bodies. I really loved Phin the most though. It was interesting how smart she was in regards to science, but when it came to other people she was totally clueless. I also really loved the dogs and the goats! The goats especially. Mainly because I found the way they acted hilarious.
If you are looking for a book that includes witches, ghosts, dead bodies and a fantastic mystery, then look no further then Texas Gothic. And if you need another reason to read it? The book takes place the summer before Amy starts college, which is something I absolutely loved.**
Cover comments: Gorgeous! And I’m in love with the font.
Overall: 5/5
*yes, I purposely spelled hot as hawt.
**I want more books about people in college/the summer before college.
Great review! I've heard great things about this author, but haven't read her books yet. I'll have to get on that soon.