The Dark Divide by D.K. Stone

Posted April 18, 2018 by shooting in Book Review / 20 Comments

The Dark Divide by D.K. Stone

Review by Lauren

source: copy from author; all opinions are my own

Official Summary (add on Goodreads): Waterton is a town with dark secrets, and after a summer of murder and mayhem, American ex-pat, Rich Evans, knows exactly how far people will go to hide them. Jobless after the fiery destruction of the hotel he once managed, Rich is charged with arson. Only one person, local mechanic Louise “Lou” Newman, believes in his innocence. But even Lou’s love and support can’t dispel the darkness that’s spreading through the community. Dead animals appear on porches, strangers threaten the safety of the locals, and a fingerprint from the fire is linked to a decades-old murder.

The lonely border town has a new danger: a murderer willing to do anything to protect a web of secrets that links them to the arson.

As the risk of jail or death increases, Rich turns to Lou for guidance and she finds herself in an impossible position. Lou has her own secrets! Does she protect the border town where she grew up, or side with the man she loves… even if it means she can never tell him the truth about herself?

Review: The Dark Divide is the sequel to The Edge of Wild (read my review here) and I was very excited to dive back into this story. Rich Evans, the main character, is now on trial for an arson that was committed in the first book. I don’t feel like this, in itself, is a spoiler, so don’t worry. Since I don’t want to give things away for those that need to go back and read the first book, I’ll just be sort of vague and share my basic feelings.

I like the relationship between Rich and Louise (Lou) but I did wish that Lou would open up to Rich more. It takes her awhile, and I understand why – she’s spent most of her life keeping her secrets close – but it would have helped the two of them become even closer, quicker.

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The Dark Divide isn’t a straight up contemporary – while it feels like a contemporary/mystery most of the time, there is a bit of a supernatural element to it. I think it’s utilized more in the sequel, so that was definitely an interesting touch. There is a new character, Alistair, that helps push this side of the story line along. I did find parts of Alistair kind of confusing though; I wasn’t always sure why he was needed in the book, but it starts to make more sense as you keep reading.

While Rich is on trial, readers know that he’s innocent, so that’s part of the mystery that needs to be solved…as the arson might be attached to a different, older crime. I thought this aspect of the story was really fascinating. I do love a good mystery and it brought in some different aspects of history, which was interesting. I thought the over-arching mystery of the book was done well and I didn’t guess the main “reveal” which makes it even better.

What do you think? Would you read this series? Have you read D.K. Stone before (she’s Danika Stone, if you know that name).

20 responses to “The Dark Divide by D.K. Stone

  1. Mystery with a bit of supernatural. That sounds really interesting Lauren! Haven’t read anything from this author yet, but I think I know where to start now 😉

  2. This sounds like a very intriguing read! I would probably want to read the first book to have a better sense of what was going on in this one, so maybe I will have to do that!

  3. Yes I would absolutely read this series!! You had me at “murder” and “mystery” 😉 my favorite genre for books! Thanks for the great review, Lauren <3

  4. I’ve never read this author before but this does sound like a page turner! I’m not usually into the supernatural elements though, although I do think there are times it can work–it just depends for me.

  5. I remember how much you enjoyed book one Lauren, I hadn’t realised the series was considered speculative fiction though. It really adds another element to the storyline doesn’t it. Alistair sounds like an awkward inclusion so late in the series, I think characters of significance really need to be introduced much earlier to be able to have that impact on readers. I love the mystery suspense! So glad you enjoyed this one Lauren, wonderful review! <3 <3

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