The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

Posted March 25, 2020 by shooting in Book Review / 21 Comments

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

Review by Lauren

Source: copy from e-library; all opinions are my own

Review: I remember when this book first came out. It was one that I really wanted to check out, but it tends to take me awhile to read books if I’m not reviewing them. Hence why I’m finally reviewing the first book in the Invisible Library series. This book is stated to be “Doctor Who with librarian spies” and I have to agree that that’s a pretty accurate summary. The book follows Librarian (yes, capital L) Irene as she goes on a mission from the Library. These missions take Librarians to alternate worlds where they are asked to retrieve, or steal if you will, a certain text that only exists in that world.

Doctor Who with librarian spies? Yes, please! Book review #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

This time Irene is sent with an assistant, Kai, to an alternative London where they are expected to retrieve a Grimm book that contains a story only published in this book, in this world. It’s a fascinating premise and I certainly admired Irene. I thought she was a bit naive in terms of not ever really questioning aspects of the Library, but having grown up around it her whole life, it did make sense. Her parents were Librarians, and so she always knew she would become one as well.

The Invisible Library is full of mystery and suspense – I didn’t always know who to trust, but it made the book just that more exciting! The alternate London was a fun place to explore alongside Irene and Kai, and I loved their burgeoning friendship throughout the book. I always thought this was a YA series, but it’s apparently categorized under Adult. Regardless, I find it fairly suitable for older teen readers. There isn’t too much mentioned that isn’t featured in YA books. I suppose it’s more adult because Irene is not a teenager. None of this detracts from the book in any way; it’s simply something I wanted to mention.

21 responses to “The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

  1. Sara

    I agree, if it’s one I have to review I’m usually really slow to get to it. I wish I had more time to read, I’m going to definitely try to pick up the pace.

  2. Lisa Mandina

    This is one I didn’t get to when it first came out either. I need to give it a try if you liked it so much!

  3. verushka

    This is one of those books I always planned to get to, but never quite did (woops!) Dr who with librarian spies is the perfect tagline!

  4. The concept sounds really intriguing! I love books about libraries and books, and this one seems like it takes it a level higher with a dose of fantasy! Thank you for sharing this πŸ™‚

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