The Ugly Teapot by Fred Holmes

Posted January 20, 2017 by shooting in Uncategorized / 19 Comments

The Ugly Teapot by Fred Holmes

Review by Lauren

source: copy from the author; all opinions are my own

Official SummaryFourteen-year-old Hannah Bradbury loved her father so much that she worried about him constantly. After all, he was a photographer who traveled to the most dangerous places in the world. 

To allay her fears, each time he came home he brought her silly gifts, each one with supposed magical powers: the Seal of Solomon, the Ring of Gyges, even Aladdin’s Lamp. It was that lamp Hannah found the most unbelievable, for it looked like an ugly teapot. Nevertheless, her father assured her it was real, and made her promise to save her three wishes for something very special. 

Then . . . six months later . . . the unthinkable happened. Her father was killed while on assignment to Baghdad. And so on the day of his funeral Hannah did something she never thought she would ever do. 

She took out that teapot and gave it a rub . . . 

Review: When offered the chance to read this book, I was immediately intrigued. Looking at the official summary now, I realize it doesn’t give you much to go on about the book, but I think that can be a good thing. The Ugly Teapot definitely kept my interest and I found myself wanting to go back to the story when I wasn’t reading, which doesn’t always happen – even if I’m enjoying a book.

This book is about 14 year-old Hannah Bradbury whose photographer father died in Baghdad. Hannah is overcome by grief. While talking to her dog Griff one night (Griff can talk back via telepathy), Hannah decides to see if the “ugly teapot” her dad gave her once really is Aladdin’s lamp, because she’d like to use one of her wishes to bring her father back to life.

Rubbing that life completely changes Hannah life.

I feel like I could go on and describe more of this book, but I don’t want to ruin things. I will say that near the end, you may become a bit confused as to what really occurred, but trust me, it’s all worth it to finish the book. This one is labeled Book One: Hannah so I assume the next book will feature a new character, and I’m definitely curious to see what occurs in their story about the ugly teapot.

I’d recommend this one for those 13 and up, if they are mature readers, as the book does feature a lot about death, grief, and those left behind. Besides that, it’s a really exciting adventure story!

Interested in reading this book? Check it out on Amazon (I’m an associate, so I get a small percent if you buy from my link. Thanks!)

19 responses to “The Ugly Teapot by Fred Holmes

  1. Not a book I would typically pick up, but this sounds very intriguing! Thanks so much for sharing–I always love to read your reviews πŸ™‚

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my sweet! XOXO

  2. This is silly but the title immediately reminded me of that elementary school song, I'm a little teapot short and stout… πŸ˜€

    Sometimes a vague or mysterious is great! It might intrigue you enough to want to know more, without giving away too much. I don't think I've read many books set in Baghdad. Hopefully you enjoy more books in the series!

    Great review! Have a lovely weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. This sounds interesting… at first I was thinking my son might enjoy it, but he is 10 so probably will have to wait.


  4. Oh I think my students will love this book especially the Yr 7s and 8s. Thank you so much for this brilliant review, I will take a look at this for certain! πŸ™‚

  5. The cover caught my attention in your list. And glad your review showed positive review. Will have to put this on the list. And then find time to take a minute for myself and get to reading some books.

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