Theming Thursday: Bridal Showers

Posted May 22, 2014 by shooting in Uncategorized / 10 Comments

Welcome back to Theming Thursday. June is fast approaching and that usually starts a big aspect of “Wedding Season” so today, I thought I’d share some fun gift options and ideas to use for a Bridal Shower (girls only or co-ed).

Catch My Party offers some adorable free Bridal Shower printables. I think these are great colors for the springtime!

Perpetually Daydreaming offers some adorable cupcake topper printables for free. They say things like “From Miss to Mrs.” and “Bride to Be.”

Personalized Brides offers a few different Bridal Shower games; all these printables are free! They come in red, pink, and purple, and there is even a How Well Do You Know the Groom game if you want to have a co-ed party. One for the bride and one for the groom!

Craftaholics Anonymous offers some free printables for a really cute Bridal Shower game. There are staches for the groom and tiaras for the bride. The host of the party asks the Bride and Groom the same questions before the shower. Then, at the shower, they read off the question and give ONE answer. The guests have to put up the stache if they think the groom said it or the tiara if they think the bride said it. She has square printables for those that can’t print and cut out the shapes.

I like that this game can be done with a co-ed shower too!

Wedding Bee includes some information about this cute idea called Meet the Maids. I saw this on pinterest and it was tagged as “In a little frame, post a picture of each girl and tell how you met and why you chose them to be in your wedding.” You can set these out at the actual wedding too, but I think having them at the shower could be fun! You can obviously do this with the groomsmen too if you wish!

The above photo is from Yahoo, but the idea is seen all around the blog world. People tend to use this for a Gender Reveal party. You use a pink sharpie to highlight She and a blue sharpie to highlight He on various Hershey bars. I saw this recently and thought it would be fun to use at a co-ed shower too. These could even be cheap and easy party favors, as well as decorations!

And finally, The Krazy Coupon Lady shares some fun and clever gift baskets for the Bride and Groom to be! Here is the sign you could use (if you visit the link, there are a couple other signs to do too!)

On (enter date of wedding),
(Groom’s Name) and (Bride’s name) will PLEDGE themselves to each other
and(Bride’s name) will GAIN a new last name. It’s no SECRET that their
life will be full of JOY. We know you think your HONEY is FANTASTIC but
your CHARMIN fella might not always be MR. CLEAN. You might have to put
in some EXTRA effort and give your counters a SOFT SCRUB. Remember to
always SNUGGLE up close at night. At DAWN take on the new day and live
your lives in total BLISS.

I really like this idea because it’s great for both bride and groom, it’s creative but easy to put together, and all the items are things the couple could definitely use! 

10 responses to “Theming Thursday: Bridal Showers

  1. I love the Meeting the Maids. So many bloggers are getting married in the next 60 days and all this talk of weddings has me wanting to do it again..LOL well to the same man of course, but we didn't have all this info and cool ideas 26 years ago!

  2. These are all fun ideas but I really love the Meet the Maids!!

    I love that you do this with all of your cute ideas (and ones you find),, so much fun!

  3. Gosh fun ideas. I know several bloggers getting married over the next couple of months, this would be perfect for them. I love the Hershey bar idea, too bad I didn't know about it when I was pregnant 🙂

  4. I remember getting a laundry basket full of supplies when I got married, and it was so appreciated.

    These are really great ideas! It makes me feel so old to say this,but I wish these options were around when I got married. Thanks for sharing!

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