Top 10 Tuesday: Dynamic Duos + Harry Potter Giveaways

Posted February 22, 2022 by shooting in Giveaway / 33 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hey friends! For those that aren’t aware, I’ve been celebrating Harry Potter all month long. I dubbed it #FebruHARRY2022. You can find posts on my blog, but also Instagram and TikTok. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, I definitely hope you’ll search all the sites – especially so you don’t miss any giveaways! I have a couple live right now that I’ll share at the end of this post. More to come though, so keep an eye out!

Top Ten Tuesday: Dynamic Duos

  • all bookshop links are affiliate links

Fred and George Weasley from the Harry Potter books

Who read the HP books and DID NOT love the Weasley twins? They were the ultimate dynamic duo. They lived life on their own terms, they were fiercely loyal to each other, they were hilarious, and they even gave the Marauder’s Map to Harry!

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson from the books and stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock might be a genius, but he needs Watson! I love the actual books/stories that I’ve read and I need to read more, but I especially love the dynamic of these characters as portrayed on BBC Sherlock.

Victor and Eli from Vicious by V.E. Schwab

These two aren’t a GOOD dynamic duo, but they wouldn’t be who they are without each other. Their dynamic is definitely fascinating, and I love this book!

Audrey Rose and Thomas in Stalking Jack the Ripper 

I love that Thomas takes Audrey Rose seriously, in an age where women should not be dissecting dead bodies and hunting a serial killer. They work well together, and I love their ever-changing relationship.

Marko and Alana in the Saga graphic novel series

Marko and Alana are essentially Romeo and Juliet from another world, but they aren’t the type to die without a fight. I love this series, and I love this couple and how realistic they feel!

And I’m going to stop at 5 this week, because this is a tough topic! I’m sure there are tons of awesome dynamic duos that people will think of this week though, and I can’t wait to read about them. If I wasn’t focusing on just books, I’d also add Shawn and Gus from the wonderful tv show Psych.

And now it’s time to share my current Harry Potter giveaways. Be sure to enter, and keep an eye out for more coming this week!

Measuring Tape and Scissors (your choice of Hogwarts house) – this giveaway is on my blog, and it ends tomorrow, February 23. U.S. only.


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A post shared by Lauren Becker (@laurenashleybecker)

Hedwig Painting Kit – this giveaway is on my Instagram. It’s U.S. only and ends this Sunday, February 27.

Owl Post ring from Alex and Ani – this giveaway is also on my blog, and it ends next Monday, February 28. It’s also U.S. only.

I will have more giveaways coming up – yes, a lot are only open to the U.S. but there should be at least one other that’s U.S./Canada and I’m hoping to do an International one as well!

33 responses to “Top 10 Tuesday: Dynamic Duos + Harry Potter Giveaways

  1. John Smith

    Hedwig looks like a good subject for a painting kit. I have too much on my plate to start a project, but the paint colors that come with it look perfect!

  2. Jen

    The painting kit is awesome! I think I could do that even with my limited art skills. Nice! I have never actually read the Doyle works. Love everything Sherlock, and so I probably should!

  3. OOh nice picks! I almost chose Fred & George but then I usually try to avoid HP picks for this post because they’re too obvious as my faves! Lol. I chose Audrey Rose and Thomas too! Great picks!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  4. I love Marko and Alana! Saga is the first-ever graphic novel that I truly enjoyed and loved. I’m still saving up to buy the first compendium for my collection.

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