Tune in Tuesday with The Hoosiers

Posted January 21, 2014 by shooting in Uncategorized / 14 Comments

Tune in Tuesday is brought to you by Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands

“Somewhere in the Distance” by The Hoosiers

The Hoosiers is a band from the UK. I’ve loved their music for a long time, and I’m excited that they have a new album coming out in a couple months. Above is their new single “Somewhere in the Distance” and I love the actual video a lot because fans took part to make it! Various fans made clips of themselves for this song and you can see their work, mixed in with shots of the band.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve
To try and bring me down
Maybe you haven’t heard
That’s not the way we run this town
Cos when the times are tough we turn them round”

14 responses to “Tune in Tuesday with The Hoosiers

  1. Ahh I'm at school so I can't listen to the song but I'm definitely doing to when I get home. The fact that everyone pitched into the video also is so sweet haha. Thanks for sharing! <33

  2. Geez, I need to get some speakers for my computer! I have headphones but one of the kids hauled them off. I'll have to find them cause I want to listen!

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