You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life by Lea Michele

Posted November 25, 2015 by shooting in Uncategorized / 10 Comments

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life by Lea Michele

Review by Lauren

Source: copy from BloggingForBooks; all opinions are my own

Official Summary: In Brunette Ambition, Lea Michele shared a lot of the secrets and
stories behind her success, and how she manages to live a balanced and
healthy lifestyle despite her hectic schedule. Now, in her second book,
she will teach readers how they, too, can be their best selves. In Lea’s
opinion, keeping a journal and asking yourself the hard questions about
what you want out of life is the best way to achieve your dreams, so
she has outlined a series of exercises, prompts, and lists based on her
own personal program. Lea’s guided journal will address all the topics
she wrote about in Brunette Ambition, including fitness, diet,
work, school, and relationships, but with all-new material to help
readers reach their goals. Peppered between the advice and exercises
will be fun personal anecdotes from Lea to motivate and inspire readers
to put themselves first and live their best life.

Review: I’ve been a fan of Lea since I started watching the show Glee. Nowadays I still think she is a fantastic woman and I’m excited for all the new things she does – from her solo album, to her book Brunette Ambition, and now her guided journal. I used to journal all the time when I was younger but now I just don’t have the the energy for it. I like the idea of a journal though, so it’s nice to see Lea’s because it’s guided throughout!

I have not used the actual journal in terms of writing, but I did go through and read everything in it. It’s almost like a mini book from Lea because she opens up each section as well as shares tips and anecdotes between all of the journal sections. As for the actual journal, there are questions throughout the book that relates to particular topics (ambition, fitness, etc.) and your job is to go through and answer them. Some questions are related to little challenges Lea gives you, especially the ones about fitness and eating healthy. However, there are some questions that you are just meant to think about and keep note of your answers, like the relationship questions (friendship, romantic, and colleagues).

I appreciated that Lea mentions throughout that this journal is not only about you, but also for you. Don’t be embarrassed or scared to share your true thoughts and opinions because you do not need to share this with anyone else. Another aspect of the book I really like is the actual style of the book. If you look at the cover photo above, you can see that the title and Lea’s photo is not covering the entire page. On the actual book, this slips off so you are left with a pretty purple book that says You First, and that’s it! With the size and shape of the book it now looks like a regular, yet really cute, journal! I like that it’s a bit more private now without the slip cover and that readers are given the option to take it off so they can tote their journal around wherever they wish!

Thank you so much to BloggingForBooks for allowing me to read and review Lea’s guided journal. This would be a fantastic graduation gift. I’d also recommend it for the holidays coming up as the New Year is fast approaching and that’s always a nice time to look at your life and see what you want to change, add, or adjust!

10 responses to “You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life by Lea Michele

  1. This sounds utterly perfect and wonderful! I don't know the author/actor particularly, but stillll. Journaling is marvellous and it's so awesome how it's balancing tips from her and places to write for the reader. *nods*

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