10 Reasons to Pre-Order…

Posted March 25, 2008 by shooting in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

10 Reasons to pre-order I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Stephanie Kuehnert.

1.Because you CAN pre-order it, so why not? Come on!

2.There have already been two awesome reviews for the book by teens. You can find them here:


and here:


3.For all you music lovers, the name of the book came from a song by Sleater-Kinney.

4.Again, for all the music lovers out there: this book has a strong theme of music throughout it, so that’s pretty sweet, right?

5.Sure, a lot of authors have Myspaces nowadays, but it’s definitely worth it to mention Stephanie’s. Add her and talk to her here:


Now, why is this the fifth reason to pre-order the book you ask? Well, because Stephanie is pretty dang awesome and if we don’t persuade you to buy the book, then the author just might!

6.Other authors even have some pretty awesome comments about the book, which you can see on Stephanie’s Myspace. The authors being Irvine Welsh and John McNally.

7.The book comes out from MTV Books, who also released The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which I hear is quite popular… 😉

8.The book cover looks AMAZING, so if you don’t follow the “Don’t judge a book by its cover” rule, then you NEED this book.

9.Stephanie has close to 600 friends on Myspace, so there MUST be a lot of people liking her book…and it’s not even OUT YET!

10.If you pre-order now, then you get a book in the mail (and we all love mail) and you can start reading it without having to drag yourself to the nearest bookstore (since we all know lives get hectic sometimes).

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