3 Reasons to Shop on Etsy
1. Unique Gifts
This is probably the most obvious reason to shop on Etsy. Not all gifts are handmade, but most of them are unique. I am always buying things from Etsy because I love that I can find the perfect thing – either for myself or as a gift. I have bought so many items, and I am always happy to share ideas if you’re looking!
2. Favorite Lists Provide Updates
Make sure you make an account and create favorites lists. I have one for items, and one for shops. When I put something on my favorite item list, Etsy will update me when something has only one item left, it’s back in stock, a shop has new items, and even if there is a discount/sale for that particular item. I’ve gotten some great deals because of these updates. On the top right hand side, there is a little bell. If you hover over it, it says updates. Click the down arrow next to it and you’ll get the newest updates from the last time you looked.
3. Shops Can Offer Discounts/Coupons
This is one thing that I’m not sure a lot of people realize, but if you add something to your favorite list, that shop will see it and they can offer you a discount. This is their way of trying to get you to then go ahead and buy that item, and I’m not sure how long the discounts last every time, but I’ve definitely used these! So if you’re wanting to buy something, add it to your favorites first and wait a bit and see if you get offered a discount code. These will show up under the bell symbol where you get all other updates.
Another way to get discounts is by purchasing from shops. Not all of them do this, but sometimes they will offer a discount code for a future purchase. I’ve gotten these in the mail when my item comes in, while others are offered through Etsy. The little circle that is your account (where your picture would go), there is a drop down arrow that you can click and find various things to look at, including Your Offers. Click that to see which shops have offered you a future discount.
Right now I have six shops that have offered me discounts, so I’ll definitely be using them when I buy something next. As far as I can tell, these discount offers never expire, so don’t worry about purchasing something right away!
Do you shop on Etsy? Do you have any other reasons it’s a good idea to shop here?
I love Etsy! I also love when my faves send me discount codes for future purchases. 🙂
I don’s shop on there a lot but I love going throe for custom and hard to find items. Like, I’m headed there right now to look for a good outdoor leash for the dogs. I’ve found that I can customize materials/clips/lengths and all that better on Etsy.
Karen @For What It’s Worth
I love etsy for stickers, printer printables and artwork. I also really like how you can find things you’d never have thought of lol.
I love Etsy, have for years. But I’ve found lately that I have to sift through a lot more not-small-sellers than I used to, which is disappointing. But it’s often worth it for the gems.
I do love Etsy. But I have to limit myself for how often I go on the site or I will spend too much money!