April 2022 Currently: Tap Dance, Desks, and TikTok

Posted April 6, 2022 by shooting in Discussion / 27 Comments

Currently is hosted by Anne at In Residence

Currently: April 2022


Getting: ready for my dance recital which is in the beginning of May. We’re almost finished with the second dance, and then it will just be practicing over and over so we’re good to go! All the songs are from Broadway, so that’s fun!

Going: to South Carolina in August. I’m ready for a relaxing vacation. It’s near Myrtle Beach too, if you have any suggestions of places to go, things to see and do, and food to try! I’m all ears!


Planning: my Summer Bucket List. I feel like I haven’t officially made one in a while, and I know there are a few things I’d like to do this year. It’s more of a Spring/Summer bucket list since Summer isn’t until the end of June though. I’m not waiting that long to do some fun Summer things!

Posting: sporadically on the blog. I am trying to write and schedule ahead so it’s not totally off the wall when it comes to my posts. I’ve been trying to post 2-3 times on Instagram as well. Really, TikTok is my best platform right now in terms of posting regular content. I’ll find a rhythm one of these days! hah


Thinking: about creating a desk space in my room. There might be a time where I get to work from home again, and I really need to get things set up better. I could also really use a printer, since I don’t have one at home. Any good suggestions there? Or for an office chair?

27 responses to “April 2022 Currently: Tap Dance, Desks, and TikTok

  1. Ooh! A dance recital, how exciting. I’d love to be able to dance but my mobility {or lack of } aside, I have literally no sense of rhythm … oh and clumsy is my middle name, none of which make for a good dancer.

    Trying to keep up with social media sites can be a bit of a strain at the best of times, that there are continually new ‘in’ sites cropping up all the time can be a bit of a headache. That you manage to post on your blog, Instagram and TikTok is admirable.

    Felicity+Grace+Terry recently posted: DAVID'S BIN DAY.
  2. I had a desk space in my room. And I love my home printer AND desk chair! I have HP DeskJet 2752e All-in-One Wireless Color Inkjet Printer (available at Walmart) and my chair is from Staples, Kelburne Luxura Faux Leather Computer and Desk Chair. It’s sooo comfortable I find myself sitting in it even when I’m not using my desk! Break a leg at your dance recital (not literally lol)!

    Dani recently posted: Currently: April
  3. Broadway music is so fun, especially for a dance recital! It has been a while since I’ve been to Myrtle Beach, but there are lots of activities for families there.

  4. I didn’t know that you danced. That’s awesome. I am sure that you will have a wonderful recital. It is so hard to come up with a schedule that works when juggling so many different platforms. Your vacation plans sound awesome!

  5. I hope the dance recital goes well! It sounds fun. A vacation to the beach sounds nice–sounds like you have a lot to look forward to this summer. ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck with the office space! I have been using mine off and on for the past two years and it’s still rather makeshift, but it works.

  6. Ooh a dance recital, how exciting! Have fun! And an upcoming vacation sounds wonderful too, I hope you have an amazing time! I haven’t done a summer bucket list in a while but that’s a great idea, I should do one with my kids. My home office chair is terrible, so if you find a good one let me know!!

    Shea recently posted: April Reading List
  7. I have not been to Myrtle Beach is decades – I’m sure everything would be new to me! I will be interested in reading what you discover:)

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