Keep It Together: When Do You Buy a New Planner?

Posted September 20, 2018 by shooting in Planning / 29 Comments

Memory Keeping

How is it the third Thursday of the month already? I really am in awe that September ends next week. Ah well, one step closer to October which is my favorite month – and has my favorite holiday! Today though, I’m back with Keep It Together, a monthly scrapbooking/planning/Project Life link-up that I host with the lovely Alexandra.

Alright, so I’m totally failing at decorating my planner and updating my Entertainment Bullet Journal. But I’m getting there! It’s just kind of been a bit crazy lately. I’m almost up to date on my Bujo though. If you don’t know, I started a bullet journal this year but instead of using it as a day-to-day planner, I decided to use it to keep track of entertainment things – books read, monthly playlists, and movies I saw. It’s fun to be able to look back at each month and see what I did or enjoyed. So yeah, I wanted to share more of those pages but I’m not up to date and I didn’t get anything photographed, so that’s a no go.

As for my planner, I decorate after the fact, so my most recent pages aren’t all that exciting beyond being written in lots of fun colors! So that’s another future post I’ll be showing you – how I’m decorating and having fun with my daily planner.

It's time to talk planners - when do you get a new one? Any tried and true favorites? #ontheblog #planning Share on X

BUT – I don’t want to leave you with nothing, so today, let’s talk about new planners.

When do you buy a new planner?

I’ve been seeing people on social media – especially Instagram – showing off their new planners. I know some planners don’t start in January, but I kind of like the typical January-December calendar in a planner so those are the ones that I get. However, I’m sure I could get that type of planner calendar even now…I just need to start looking around more.

What do you do though? Have you gotten a new planner recently? When do you buy a planner for the new year?

For 2018, I bought my planner during some Black Friday sales. I might do that this year, but I’m not sure. I kind of like the idea of getting a planner soon so I can go ahead and get it set up for the new year and add in future dates that I already have. It would give me more time to get everything ready to go and I like that idea. Plus, if you like decorating things beforehand, you’d have more than enough time to do that!

I think I’m going to start looking. These past two years I got The Happy Planner and I love those, so I’ll probably go that route, but I might try something new. We’ll see! What type of planner do you get? Do you like trying new planners or do you have a tried and true favorite?

Let me know!!

Do you have your own “keep it together” post?

Link up below!

29 responses to “Keep It Together: When Do You Buy a New Planner?

  1. I love planners and had a really cool one years ago (which has been discontinued). I then discovered the range by Peter Pauper Press (difficult to find stores that stock them here in South Africa). I’m looking for something for 2019 and always enjoy reading about what other bloggers are doing with planners and journals.

  2. candy

    I normally purchase a new planner the end of the year. I do start checking around now and if the right one just happens to appear well I might get it early.

  3. I have not been doing good with keeping up with my planner this year. I’ve been to reliant on Google calendar because my husband uses it too. Anyways, I usually wait and get mine after the holidays when they are on sale. I might check out black Friday this year, though. I’ve never thought to do that before, and it seems really smart. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I feel like my planner schedule is kind of weird. I started bullet journaling in June of 2017, and when I made it to January I tried starting a new one. It didn’t work. So I started again in July 2018, and that seems to be working better. I think my re-buying of bullet journals is going to be every summer so I have July-June planners.

    BUT I love trying new things! I wrote a couple of recent articles; one on bullet journaling and another was a review of a planner specifically to “slay” your goals. I like experimenting with different planner styles and getting ideas for future bullet journals.

  5. Hi Lauren,
    Yes, I love to get a new planner for a new year! I’ve used Moleskin in the past and this year I’m using Paperblanks. They have gorgeous covers. I typically will buy a new one in December while out Christmas shopping.

    I don’t bullet point or decorate but this sounds like fun. Is it stickers you use? I want to do this!!

    I basically write in shorthand what I did that day and jot down appointments etc. Do you keep your books after the year is over and for how long?

    lisa thomon recently posted: New Look, New Season
  6. Technically I would like to start a new planner with the new year, but when my kids start school I always have things I need to add in my planner and if I don’t have one that goes into the next year, I feel like I need a new one for those events! So I’ve started getting new planners with the school year calendar!

  7. I think the time you get a new planner doesn’t really matter if it works for you. I usually get January-December ones but I see the appeal of getting the one starting September. Actually, I got a new planner, a bullet one, a month ago even through my old one was meant to be until December. I simply realised that it wasn’t working for me, it was way too bulky, I didn’t feel as it did any good for me. So I decided to get a new one in the middle of August, haha.

  8. RO

    I love how you use your Planner and those are some great ideas! I use mine to keep track of appointment, but a portion is also used for blogging topics, books and movies I’ve read. I also jot down special things that have happened in case it comes up again, like weather events, a death, the date of a new program I’ve been looking for. My dream is to get one of those massive $100 Planners(lol) one day, but I already found a couple that are neat from the Dollar Store, and a one that’s a little larger at Walmart. Then I keep looking in places like Michaels, Target and Staples for bargains all year long. I found a fantastic planner at Michaels for 2018 that was marked down from $69.99 to $2 because the front cover was missing, and I still used my military discount on top of that! I can’t imagine what someone would have done with just that cover, but I’m absolutely loving how beautiful the rest of the Planner is(lol) I like yur Black Friday idea, and will try that this year. Hugs…RO

  9. I buy in Nov/Dec and use Jan-Dec. It feels weird to me to do it any other way, even though I work in an academic setting. I put in birthdays and other yearly dates during the last week of Dec when I have off, using the planner from the previous year. I started using Happy Planner 2 years ago and I love it!

  10. I was super into planners in high school and college, but since I got married I have used an app so that I can share calendars with my husband. (We use Cozi and love it!) And then everything I need to do for work involves the Reminders app on the iPhone, which I have gotten super dependent on actually.

  11. I have gone back to more of a Sept-Aug style planner after Ollie started school a couple of years ago. I find it’s easier to track the schedule along with his school year. But before that I was a January-Dec girl too. And I LOVE my Happy Planner. This is the first year I got one and I really can’t say enough good things about it.

  12. I still have the old fashion paper and pen planner. I usually purchase a new one in Nov/Dec. The Calendar store has a kisok and there’s lots too choose from, if and only if I can not find any I like I then make my way over to chapters/indigo.

  13. I bought my 2019 planner in August. I got an Erin Condren one because I’ve had one before and it was really nice and worth the price as far as quality. For 2018 I cheaped out and got a cute EC knock off and I HATE it. The covers keep coming off, the pages are really thin, and it just feels super bulky. So for next year I just bit the bullet and bought it. But I have so many doctor appointments that I can’t go without a planner and I already have appointments into next March so I’m in that awkward space not sure if I should care both or just one.

  14. When I was a full-time college student I bought the academic year planners that start in July or August. For the past several years though I do the traditional January-December planners. I think I bought this year’s planner on a Black Friday sale too! I’m not sure what I’ll get for next year–I love the flexibility of a bullet journal but the structure of my Happy Planner. I need more space on each day though, so I want to find something that offers that.

  15. Typically, I buy a planner whenever I have a need for one. I recently started a blog so I picked up a 2018/2019 Happy Planner to keep track of posts, goals, to do lists, etc.

  16. Jen

    So if I bought a planner in January and lost it by February does that say something about me ๐Ÿ™‚

    Maybe I will do better next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. I like my calendars and planners to begin in January but unfortunately, there’s really no sales here on them until at least March, which defeats the purpose of getting yourself together if you have to wait a few months. I’ve come across a few specially for book bloggers and readers which are already sold out for next year, which is madness! Do you have any planner recommendations of where to buy or perhaps a checklist on what us newbies should look for in a good planner? Any recommendations would be much needed โ™กโ™กโ™ก

    Kelly recently posted: The Virginia Shreves Series

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