Keep It Together: Entertainment Bullet Journal

Posted March 15, 2018 by shooting in Planning / 32 Comments

It’s time for the second Keep It Together with myself and Simply Alexandra. This is where you can link up any planner, Project Life, scrapbooking, etc. post – old or new! If you link up, please hop around and visit other blogs! We’d love to have you!

Keep It Together: I'm showing off my entertainment Bullet Journal #ontheblog #bujo Share on X

Today, I’m going to share my Bullet Journal. This is the first year I’ve ever done a bullet journal and it’s just for entertainment purposes. It’s a work in progress, and even these pages probably aren’t finished. I want to add some fun stickers/washi tape and maybe some more quotes. We’ll see!

January and February Bullet Journal Pages

I know this is a bit blurry, but here is my January books read. I used a stencil for some of this but it was a bit flimsy and difficult, so I didn’t use it afterwards. I do want to find more unique ways to share these lists though, so we’ll see.

On the back of Books Read, I have a list of Books for Review (with where it’s from, the date it comes out, and the check mark means I read it that month).

Again, I used a stencil for the top of this. I didn’t re-use it, but I like the look and want to keep doing some unique things to liven up these pages! This is a list of the movies I saw in theaters – with the date I saw it, who I saw it with, and a star rating out of 5. I also included a quote from the movie Call Me By Your Name – which I LOVED! I’ve seen it twice now and I must own it. On the back of this page is a list of movies that came out in January that I wanted to see. I checked the ones I did see.

This is the list of books read in February – as you can see, I went with a simple list, switching up the colors.

One of my favorite reads of February was At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson, so I included a quote that really stood out to me and kind of sums up the book.

Finally, I included the January and February playlist under my February section, as it’s something I came up with late but I didn’t want to skip a month. March – and other months – will have its own playlist section. These are just five songs that I listened to and loved a lot during those months!


And that’s it! Like I said, it’s a work in progress. I might look into different stencils and I do want to add some planner/scrapbook type of things like stickers and washi tape. I’m also hoping to include more quotes throughout since that’s something I love to keep track of and I don’t usually do.

Tell me: do you have a bullet journal? What do you think of an entertainment only bullet journal?

Please link up with us, or just check out all the other posts!

Also- I’m co-hosting a $100 Cash Giveaway, so please be sure to check that out.

32 responses to “Keep It Together: Entertainment Bullet Journal

  1. What a fun idea! I was thinking of using a bullet journal as my planner this year, but I got nervous and at the last minute I ordered my usual Franklin Covey pages. I did get some bullet journal pages to include in there though for one-offs like my habit trackers and miscellaneous notes. Loving the idea of tracking books read, movies watched and favorite songs of the moment. Years from now, you are going to have so much fun reading back through this!

  2. I use a planner that I decor like a bullet journal, but I’m almost done with it and I’m so drawn to bullet journaling that I might start with one soon, that being said I’m lovingv reading everything and more about it

  3. I just started doing a bullet journal and I’m including entertainment pages in mine too! It’s a fun way to keep track of what I’ve read and watched.

  4. You know, I keep reading about bullet journals and I really want to try one finally. I have a planner but I feel like so many of my pages are empty or with large amounts of white space because I’m not up at 5am and I’m not looking to write anything down past 7 (unless it’s meet a friend for drinks to something). May have to start trying this!!

  5. I don’t have a bullet journal but I know so many people swear by theirs and absolutely love it! I do something similar with my planner to track my books read and other random things.

  6. I wouldn’t call what I do a bullet journal but I do have a couple of pages in my planner where I do what you’re doing to keep track of books read, where they came from, their publication dates, etc. It’s so helpful so that I don’t let a review book slip through the cracks. I love what you’re doing here with the movies and quotes too. It looks great. πŸ™‚

  7. I have wanted to start on a bullet journal but I just can’t get started. I like the idea of entertainment pages. Much cuter looking than just entering everything on to an Excel spreadsheet.

  8. ugh my bullet journal has been completely abandoned since I set it up in January for the new year> I did like three weekly spreads and that was it! I’d love to go back to it! I really like Bujoing! I love how you use all different colors!

  9. I love the idea here, and I think that bullet journals are awesome, but take a bit of time to figure out how you want them to be formatted/look! I’ve changed mine so many times. hehe πŸ™‚ I really want a “binge watch” stamp set from Kelly Purkey, I think I would love to use them in a bullet journal. I just need the bible journaling inks because they don’t bleed through the thin pages so easily! SO fun! I love how you are changing the color of the text per month and incorporating quotes. I have done a little bit of entertainment bullet journalling too, and I am excited to try more as the year goes on! πŸ™‚ XO – Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  10. I love how this one is a mixture of books and movies and music. Such a great way to track it all in one place. And including quotes is such a neat way of remember bits and pieces that made an impression and stood out to you.

  11. I love the idea of an entertainment bullet journal, that is so fun! I’m not a big movie watcher but I like the idea of recording favorite songs for the month. I love that “No Roots” song too, it’s so catchy.

  12. […] Under each specific folder in Google Drive, you can then create as many Google Docs as you want. This allows you to separate ideas or posts based on the type, if you wish to do so. It definitely makes it easier (and quicker) to find the information you need! For example, I have Google Docs for book reviews/blog posts, another for the posts I want to do on my trip to London, and even one for things I want to put in my entertainment Bullet Journal. […]

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