It’s Friday the 13th! I’m a huge fan of the show Psych, and if you are too, then you know why this day actually makes me think of Tuesday the 17th (the name of one of their episodes). If you don’t already know – every time there is a Friday the 13th, there is a Tuesday the 17th. It’s a great episode, by the way, so I do recommend watching it – and just the show Psych in general.

Now, back to it actually being Friday the 13th. I’m going to share some of my favorite scary/spooky/what-have-you entertainment choices! Feel free to leave yours in the comments!
Friday the 13th: Spooky Favorites #ontheblog Share on XIn case you don’t already know, Joe Hill is the son of Stephen King and while I’ve read some King novels, I’m a bigger fan of Hill’s and Horns is one that I would recommend. The movie, starring Daniel Radcliffe, is also really well done. In short, Horns is about a young man named Ignatius whose girlfriend is raped and murdered, and while Ig is never charged, that doesn’t stop most people from believing him to be the culprit. Not a spoiler, don’t worry, but he’s not the reason Merrin is dead. One morning, Ig wakes up with horns. People look at him and tell him their deep dark secrets, and if they really want to do something? Ig just tells them to do it and they do, no matter how awful. He can now use this new power to find out who killed Merrin…and possibly avenge her death. Interested? Check it out on Goodreads!
I don’t know how popular this movie ever was, but it’s one that I really enjoy. I was never a big “scary movie” person but Cry Wolf is a favorite for sure. Plus, it includes some fun actors like Jared Padalecki and even Jon Bon Jovi! This also began my love for actor Julian Morris.
Official Summary: Nobody believes a liar – even when they’re telling the truth. When a young woman is found murdered, a group of local high school students decide to further scare their classmates by spreading online rumors that a serial killer called “The Wolf” is on the loose. By describing “The Wolf’s” next victims, the students’ game is to see how many people they can convince – and if anyone will uncover the lie. But when the described victims actually do start turning up dead, suddenly no one knows where the lies end and the truth begins. As someone or something begins hunting the students themselves, the game turns terrifyingly real.
Have you seen this? Does it sound like something you’d enjoy?
I’ve shared a book, a movie, and now…a song/music video. It’s really the video that fits the “spooky theme” so definitely check it out.
In case it’s not showing up here, it’s “Cheyenne” by Jason Derulo, which is one of my favorite songs by this artist.
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
Happy Friday the 13th…and Tuesday the 17th!
Ahhhh, you’re right, it is Friday the 13th. ?? I’m not into horror and I’ve not seen any of thesr! This is a good list for Halloween too.
Have a fantastic weekend! =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Oh I really want to read a Joe Hill book! I have heard nothing but good things. I will add that one to my list!
I haven’t watched the show Psych… I tend to either binge-watch shows, or not watch TV at all.
Thanks for the spooky recs 🙂 My Friday the 13th superstition is opposite – I played the lottery today 😀 Here’s to winning the jackpot 😀
I haven’t read one of his books yet but I will be adding him to my list as I’m book hunting this weekend
Oooh, fun! And I never thought that each friday the 13th would mean a Tuesday the 17th! I also didn’t know that Stephen Ming had a son who wrote—will add to my list! Hope you have a great weekend, momma and a spooky 13th!
Spooky? Hmm, I always recommend conjuring (all the movies) and the insidious (all movies too). These two were what I recently follow. I love horror movies but I love killer (like you can see blood all over) movies more, hihi
I actually read Horn by Joe Hill but unfortunately, I didn’t like it 🙁
LOL I love the Tuesday the 17th episode of Psych! I always think of that when there is a Friday the 13th too! I might have to go dig that episode out and watch it now this weekend! Love it! I’m going to go home and snuggle my black cat tonight, ha!
I have been wanting to read a Joe Hill book. Now I know which one to start with.
I am a wuss about scary books and movies, but something about Joe Hill’s books is really hooking me in to try.
I’ve never watched Psych…maybe I should! I don’t like spooky things in general though!
I’ve been meaning to read Joe Hill. Everyone loves his books.
I don’t watch many horror movies or scary things – I’m really hard to scare lol but I’m hoping to see The Quiet Place soon and maybe that will do it!
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
I had no, absolutely no idea that Joe Hill’s father was Stephen King, that’s absolutely blown my mind. I’m assuming it’s not used to promote his work though, he’s an author that can rest on rest on his own laurels. I’m not a superstitious person but have loved seeing all the black cat memes. It’s spooktaculor. Wonderful post Lauren, really enjoyed it <3
Not going to lie…Im a total chicken when it comes to scary anything. Movies, books, those cute facebook photos that end with a ghost screaming at you after you focus on it for a minute. Totally chicken! BUT Horns sounds so interesting I just might have to read it. Or watch it. Not sure which is easier! LOL . Happy 13th. or 17th 😉
I will have to check out that Joe Hill book, I love Stephen King, so it sounds like it would be right up my alley.
Oh I’ve never heard of Joe Hill and I didn’t know he was Stephen King’s son. That book sounds really interesting too.
Wow, that video is pretty crazy. I know who Jason Derulo is but I’ve never heard of that song before. My husband read Horns and really enjoyed it.
Joe Hill is on my list of authors that I need to try. This one sounds really good too!
My husband loved the book Horns and enjoyed the movie as well. I just watched the movie. Definitely a good recommendation.
I’ve never seen Cry Wolf, but now I want to watch it 🙂
I’m OBSESSED with all of Joe Hill’s work! Have you read the Locke & Key series? SO GOOD!
Yes!! I LOVE Locke & Key. I just really need to own them – I read them via library copies.
I’d completely forgot that today was Friday the 13th! I’m such a superstitious person, so it’s probably good that I forgot. I need to check out these spooky reads.
A great Friday 13th post. Having watched and not thought much of the film I really must get hold of a paper copy of Horns.
Thanks for the recommendation. I didn’t know about Joe Hill but now Hornis on my list to read.
I really need to try Joe Hill, have heard awesome things. I do have The Fireman
Oh man these are such great recs!
Oh Psych is so fun. It’s been ages since I’ve seen that one.
Ahhh, I love Psych! Such a good tv show. I will definitely watch that episode now 🙂
-Leta | The Nerdy Me
I absolutely love Psych and I’m in the process of re-watching it for the hundredth time! Not even kidding! And the episode you’re talking about is absolutely amazing! I’ve watched the trailer for Horns and have been meaning to actually give the book a try before moving on to the film adaptation but, haven’t managed to do so yet! Definitely soon!
That book sounds gooood! Thanks for sharing.
I love Joe Hill but haven’t tried Horns yet. Adding to my list!
Ooh spookiness lol! Have you seen Requiem on Netflix? Spooky bigtime!!!
I totally forgot it was Friday the 13th until I saw someone wearing a shirt with it. I’m not big on spooky books or movies.
I didn’t realize it was Friday the 13th till the evening, isn’t that terrible?! ha! It sounds like Psych is popular! I am not real big on spooky stuff, I am a baby! Lol! I get scared easy.
Oh my gosh, Psych is one of my all-time favorite shows. I miss Shawn and Gus so much. I loved the Tuesday 17th episode. A scary camp for adults needs to be a real thing. Joe Hill is an author I’ve been meaning to check out. Thanks for the recs!
I’ll have to read Horns! I had heard it is good!
I’m always saying I should read more scary books, but then… I don’t 🙂 Cry Wolf does sound like a fun watch, and I do love Jared Padalecki 🙂
Horns was great – I’ll have to add Cry Wolf to my tbr. 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!
Psych really was one of the best shows ever. Gus and Sean had an epic bromance and I miss them very much.
I like scary movies and have never heard of Cry Wolf. Definitely adding that to my list of “must watch” movies.
I remember watching Cry Wolf ages ago – such a good movie! Quite a big surprise at the end!
Love this! Spooky is my fav!
It was my neice’s birthday this Friday the 13th!! That happens to her every few years 🙂
Spooky fun here!
I love being scared so these would really float my boat! Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest x
Oh my gosh, I love Cried Wolf. Haven’t seen it in ages though! The main(ish) guy is on New Girl for a while. I really liked seeing him in New Girl, and I could not place his face for quite a while.. turns out it was from this movie! heheh I want to see the Quiet Place movie. 🙂 XO – Alexandra
Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
Ohmygosh, I absolutely ADORE Cry Wolf!! It is definitely one of my absolute favourite thriller movies, and I have seen it so many times. I remember falling head over heels with it the first time I saw it, and I’ve never gotten over it. I don’t really remember people talking about it, either, but I guess I wasn’t AS into horror movies then as I am now, haha.
Horns sounds really interesting! For some reason, I always thought the movie looked a little comedic? I don’t know why. Maybe Daniel Radcliffe’s face? That sounds mean, but the look he had on his face for the posters over here didn’t seem serious enough. I think I will give it a go, though! It sounds pretty good.
I’m not sure it was ever a really big movie, but I’m so excited to hear you are a fan too!! haha definitely not a comedy, but sometimes posters, etc. can be misleading!