Coronavirus Anxiety – Give A Little Something!

Posted March 16, 2020 by shooting in Discussion / 21 Comments

I know most of us are probably under some sort of self-quarantine/social distancing right now. Schools are closed, libraries are closed, events are being cancelled, people are working from home more and more, etc. There’s a lot of anxiety and panic surrounding the coronavirus, especially for those who are high risk or know someone who is high risk (as I do). Because of that, I’ve been seeing people on Twitter telling others to leave their Amazon wish list – they will grant some wishes, and they hope others will grant some too.

I decided to create my own thread, which is pinned to the top of my Twitter. I know not everyone is on Twitter though, so I’m asking you to share your Amazon wish lists here too (you can still share them on Twitter). Basically, leave your list and hopefully someone will grant you a wish or two (it doesn’t have to be books). At the same time, if you’re financially able, grant a wish or two of your own. Just a little way to spread the love and show that you’re thinking of someone in this crazy time!

Here is my Amazon Wish List if you’re curious (my email for e-books is lauren51990 AT aol DOT com)

Things to remember – make sure that third party shipping is on. This lets someone purchase an item from your wish list without getting your actual address.

Also, if you have any e-books on your list, be sure to leave your email address along with your wish list.

Thanks for helping everyone, and please stay safe!

21 responses to “Coronavirus Anxiety – Give A Little Something!

  1. A great idea for spreading positivity! I’d encourage anyone who is able to do something along this line but with local businesses (retail and service industry) to “help” two birds with the proverbial one stone, as well!

  2. Today we had to quit our job to work at home in France (at most at possible). We’re waiting for the president to speak tonight, it’s stressing and difficult. We’ll see.

  3. Such a great idea and a nice thing to do! I have to say, I’m so impressed with the many acts of kindness I’ve been seeing around since this whole thing started.

  4. This is such a wonderful idea Lauren, we could all use a little kindness right now. It’s terrible here in Australia at the moment, supermarkets right around the country are bare. There’s no meat, frozen foods, cleaning products, toilet paper, dairy or staple items like pasta, rice, flour, sugar. They refuse to close the schools and we’ve been too slow to act. I’m so anxious about contracting the virus and infecting my elderly mother who lives with us and the hubby has just started a new job and has no sick pay built up. It’s dire here and we’re only just starting to recover from the bushfires and now most of us don’t have enough food for a few days because others are hoarding. Not much worries me but I’m really starting to panic.

    Kelly recently posted: Only Mostly Devastated
  5. I really like this idea. I put my list on there, but I’m going to replace it with one for my parents. My mom only has one lung, my dad is a stroke survivor in his 80s, and their city is one of the hardest hit with cases. They basically live for the library, checking out about a dozen books every other week.

    With the library closed and them stuck indoors they’re running low on things to read. I’ve sent them a couple books, but they could definitely use more! My dad in particular is a reading machine, we always joke that we have to take him to the library each week for his “two feet of books.”

    Thanks for doing this πŸ™‚

  6. Jen

    What a great idea! My biggest amazon wish list is toilet paper right now πŸ™‚ I hope lots of people join in on this. I just shared it over on twitter!

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