Guest Post: Series Enders

Posted May 6, 2014 by shooting in Uncategorized / 19 Comments

Today, I have author Cathi Shaw here writing about series endings! I know I don’t get to read a lot of series these days, but I’m always hearing about the way a series ends and how some are happy…but more often than not, a lot of people are upset with something.

The Horror of Series Endings by Cathi Shaw
            There has
only been one series of books that I’ve ever read and felt satisfied with the
ending. One. In the last 40 years! One!
            So what is
the problem with the endings of series? I’ve been asking myself this question
for some time now. I just finished the Divergent
series and was horribly disappointed in Allegiant.
I so looked forward to it and then it took me forever to get through and by the
end I felt let down.
            The same
thing happened to me with Lauren Oliver’s Delirium
series (which I loved except for the ending) and Scott Westerfeld’s The Uglies and … the list goes on.
            The other
thing that happens with very long series, is that I get bored (I’m ashamed to
admit it but it’s true). I think back to the Anne of Green Gables and Black
books I read as a young girl and I just kind of got tired of them.
You could suggest that I outgrew them except I read the first 3 books of the
Anne series over and over again well into adulthood. I just ignored the later
books in the series.
Now as an adult (and still reading
YA books) I had the exact same thing happen with the Mortal Instruments series and even (gasp) Harry Potter. What is wrong
with me? I adore the characters and can’t wait for Book 2 and 3 but by the time
I get to Book 5 I’ve lost all enthusiasm.
            So why does
this happen? I just keep wondering why this is so and I think I know the
answer. The angst and uncertainty from the first few books just gets lost by
the later books.
            Take for
example, Joseph Delaney’s excellent series The
Spook’s Apprentice
. The books are fun and I loved reading them but by Book
8 or so, I know that nothing bad is REALLY going to happen to Tom. And that
takes away some of the excitement and intrigue.
            At the same
time, if an author does kill off a beloved character (and here I won’t give any
examples to avoid spoilers), I’m angry, hurt and frustrated.
            So as an
author who writes series books, what am I to do? Are all readers as fickle as
I, myself, happen to be?
            I just
don’t know. As a reader, I continue to buy and read series. I continue to fall
madly and hopelessly in love with them at the start and keep wanting more. And
I continue to be disappointed. Except for that one series that actually pleased
me with its ending.
            What book
was that, you might ask? Suzanne Collins’ Mockingjay.
I felt it was the perfect ending to the Hunger
. I know not everyone agrees with me but as a reader I finished that
book and felt closure for the first time when reading a series. I was satisfied
that there would be no more stories from those particular characters and I felt
happy with the ending.
            What she
precisely did to give me such closure, I still haven’t been able to fully
identify but as an author who writes series, she has definitely given me (and
many of my colleagues) something to strive for: an ending readers can accept.
 Thanks for stopping by Cathi! While I haven’t read that many series lately, I do have to agree that I was happy with the end of Mockingjay too, even though many people were not. I felt it was realistic for the series, and that’s always the main thing for me! 

Author Bio

Cathi Shaw lives in Summerland, BC with her husband and
three children.  She is often found wandering around her home, muttering
in a seemingly incoherent manner, particularly when her characters have
embarked on new adventure. In addition to writing fiction, she teaches rhetoric
and professional writing in the Department of Communications at Okanagan
College and is the co-author of the textbook Writing Today.
Book Blurb (add Five Corners on goodreads)
Growing up in a sleepy village untouched by distant wars and
political conflicts, it was easy for Thia, Mina and Kiara to forget such
horrors existed in the Five Corners. That is until the dead child is found; a
child that bears the same strange birthmark that all three sisters possess. A
Mark their mother had always told them was unique to the girls. Kiara’s
suspicions grow as their Inn is soon overrun with outsiders from all walks of
life. Strangers, soldiers and Elders who all seem to know more about what is
happening than the girls do. After Mina barely survives an attack in the
forest, the sisters are faced with a shattering secret their mother has kept
from them for years. As danger closes in around them, the sisters are forced
from their home and must put their trust in the hands of strangers. With more
questions than answers, Kiara finds herself separated from everyone she loves
and reliant on an Outlander who has spent too much time in army. She doesn’t
trust Caedmon but she needs him if she has any hope of being reunited with her
sisters and learning what the Mark might mean.

19 responses to “Guest Post: Series Enders

  1. Series can be so hard if they are long (more than 5 books) to still love them after so many and of course with duologies and trilogies you get the horror of the books ending horribly or being disappointing (completely agree with you about the Delirium series, hated that ending but loved all the rest!).

    I have been happy with quite a few endings though, more so in duologies for whatever reason (and then you don't get that dreaded middle book syndrome either!).

    As a writer I can see why it would be so very hard but I know you can't please everyone all the time.

  2. Great guest post, a lot of good points! I think a series ending can either made me really sad or really mad, haha. If it's Allegiant like I would be mad but I remember having such bittersweet feelings about the Infernal Devices and Vampire Academy ending.

  3. I love series, but unless you have a large cast of characters to work with and a long story arc (or several arcs) then the series can get stale. I'm sad when a series ends, but then again…All Good Things Must Come to an End. Right?

  4. So I think we can all agree that series endings can be tricky. Now that I'm writing TWO series, I guess I have to learn to avoid the common pitfalls of disappointment and staleness. Thanks for commenting, everyone! And thanks for hosting me, Lauren. 🙂

  5. That's so interesting because it was Mockingjay that was my worst series ending. I was so disappointed.

    These days I'm like you – I'm just bored after a certain point. It could be because I read so much and can't remember every detail for the 3-5 years it takes.

    I read every book as a stand alone now. I don't get that OMG I can't wait for the next book! feeling anymore which is kind of sad but it keeps my expectations in check and preserves my sanity lol

  6. I so agree, I read so many series and then when I get to the end, I feel like the story still has more to tell. Epilogues are hit or miss. I guess it all boils down to the reader, we have certain expectations and we want things and the author can't possibly please everyone.

  7. I feel the same way about series although I think it really depends on the reader. I know a lot of people hated the way the Divergent series ended but I thought that if it had been real life it would have been appropriate.

  8. It is always to hard to know when to end them. Some series end and I cry because as a reader I was not yest ready to let go. Others I am elated and bid them farewell. Other I think wow, that should have ended two books ago..LOL Great post!

  9. I'm glad to hear you both loved the end of Mockingjay too, I was beginning to think I was a unicorn cause it seems like everyone hated it. I thought it was totally fitting. Awesome post!

  10. Interesting post. I rarely finish series.

    I'd rather read them all after they're published. I don't want to wait between books and forget what they're about.

  11. Oh, great topic! Series enders are tough and often are disappointing in some way. I always try to tell myself the author went that direction for a reason, but it is sad when you invest a lot of time and feelings in something that doesn't deliver.
    Thanks for the thoughts!

  12. I wasn't a fan of Mockingjay, but I completely agree that series endings are SUCH DISAPPOINTMENTS since The Deathly Hallows. :/ I've been struggling with them a lot, hence the reason I've taken to picking up more stand-alones lately, but hopefully I'll start to discover more series whose endings I love.

  13. I was also very satisfied with the ending to The Hunger Games! I just couldn't see it ending any other way. But, it seems like Cathi and I are in the minority on that one because I know a ton of people hated that ending. Ah well, can't please everyone!

  14. I read a lot of series but I don't always finish them…in fact it's rare that I actually finish them. I don't like reading books from the same series back to back, so often times they simply fall to the wayside as I pick up newer books. But I'm the same way with endings, sometimes they are just disappointing like Allegiant or Narnia. Other times I find that they are perfect like Deathly Hallows or Mockingjay. Sometimes I just avoid the last book because I don't want it to be over.

  15. yeah because of this I have a bunch of series I never finished because the last book scares me. It seems to be a hit or miss. I hate that if it's a series you love and the last book ruins it. Which sadly has happened to me before.

  16. Yeah I feel like there's so much pressure most of the time to finish the series CORRECTLY and a lot of the times it just doesn't work. Using your example of Alliegant, I loved the concept behind the ending and I thought it was a very fitting ending, but it just wasn't executed well at ALL and it was just ridiculous.

  17. this is a problem I have too. I actually have several series I haven't finished because I'm afraid of the end. I was disappointed in Allegiant as well. And so many others…

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