I Graduated College!

Posted May 13, 2013 by shooting in Uncategorized / 11 Comments


I finally graduated college!! I meant to schedule this post for Saturday, during my actual graduation at 9 in the morning (fun fun) but I ended up not having enough time on Friday. So here it is!

I had a great Saturday- glad the walking part of graduation part is over, but it wasn’t too bad. Always worth doing it in the end. However, I will be walking again in the future…I’m done with undergrad but not graduate school. That will begin this fall. I’m going to enjoy the summer free of homework for now though!

I hope all the mom’s out there had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday too! I finally gave my mom her gifts and I’m happy that she loved them as much as I thought she would.

Anyway, don’t forget to check out Geoff Herbach’s blog tour here. He had some awesome guest posts, full of some great humor, so you don’t want to miss it! Be sure to check out Five Stupid Things Geoff did in his life! You can also win one of the books in the trilogy (your choice) at the last stop!

Now that it’s my summer break, I hope to have more time to read my own books (including review copies) so hopefully book reviews will become more common around here – along with some other fun posts of course!

11 responses to “I Graduated College!

  1. Ahhh, Lauren!! Sorry I'm so late with this but CONGRATULATIONS! Doesn't it feel great to be done (your undergraduate at least)? I am also returning for grad school in the fall. But I hope to get plenty of reading in before that, as well, because I won't have much time once I'm in school having to attend classes, teach classes, mark papers, and do my own research for my thesis! I hope you have a great and relaxing summer!!

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