{Live Review} John Mulaney: From Scratch 2022 Tour

Posted March 28, 2022 by shooting in Cincinnati / 14 Comments

John Mulaney
Heritage Bank Center
Cincinnati, OHIO
Sunday – March 13, 2022

This was the second time my sister and I had seen John Mulaney live, and he was just as wonderful. If you know anything about the comedian, you might be aware he’s struggled with drugs and alcohol in the past and that he relapsed and went to rehab within the past couple of years. He’s always been open about his past struggles in previous specials (which you can see on Netflix) so it was no surprise that a lot of his content this time around pertained to his recent struggles.

Honestly, it was almost one of those “laugh so you don’t cry” type of situations because you can tell that John has been through a lot. It’s not great being addicted to drugs, after all, and it ultimately led to an intervention and a stay in rehab. These are all sad, emotional topics. However, John took those experiences and shared them with us, but adding his trademark humor, so you had to laugh!

It’s always tough to capture exact jokes and things that a comedian says after a show, or at least it is for me. I can talk about it with my sister because she was there and knows what I mean. To write it out, it wouldn’t do his jokes much justice, but I thought I’d try and share a couple things he talked about that evening so you get an idea of the content.

* He was two hours late for his own intervention, which he thought was dinner at a friend’s house. He was doing two things during that time. 1. buying drugs, of course and 2. letting himself into 30 Rock so he could have the hair and makeup department of SNL cut his hair.

* Once he got to rehab, he really thought that people would recognize him…nobody did. Not even one person!

Of course, he did talk about other things besides all of the above, but it did take up a fair amount of his show. I’m hoping they’ll film him at one of these stops and it’ll be a new special on Netflix so I can see the whole show again! He’s one of my favorite comedians and I love that he was so open and honest, while still bringing all the laughs!

14 responses to “{Live Review} John Mulaney: From Scratch 2022 Tour

  1. Oh what a fun experience to see him live and just laugh until your face hurts. It sounds as though he really has been through so much. I loved his Netflix special; he has such a quirky sense of humor!

  2. Ha! Too funny that no one recognized him at rehab. I haven’t seen a comedy show in such a long time. We have a place that does regular shows, but I don’t think they have anyone this famous at them.


  3. I’m glad you had a good time Lauren. I’ve only been to a few comedian shows. Trevor Noah is coming near us this summer and I was thinking of going but the prices are SO HIGH.

    We’ve been binging the Ali Wong stand up shows on Netflix recently.

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

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