(Currently – March 2022): Book Hauls, Build A Bear, and More

Posted March 2, 2022 by shooting in Discussion / 17 Comments

Currently is hosted by Anne at In Residence

Currently: March 2022


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A post shared by Lauren Becker (@laurenashleybecker)

Collecting: all the Harry Potter things. I treated myself to some fun HP merch and items this past month for my FebruHARRY event. I shared some of it online, but I still have plenty more to come. The event might be over, but I’ll still be posting about Harry Potter – though mostly on social media.

Craving: some warmer days, where I can actually sit outside and read. It’s just so relaxing! Plus, when the weather is nice, my favorite place to read is on the front porch.
Picturing: all the new books I’ve accumulated over the past few months and hoping I can find time to read them soon. I really do want to focus more on the books I own this year, instead of review books or even library books. I need to start getting through all the ones on my shelves.
Playing: Honestly, not much. My nephew has been playing indoor soccer for the first time so I’ve gone to some of those games. They’re fun!
Wishing: that everyone in Ukraine could be safe. I know that’s not possible right now, but I am thinking and praying and planning on donating to a charity or two. It’s so devastating to see what is happening in Europe. It’s definitely been a bit rough on mental health, imagining worst case scenarios, etc. I do have to commend their president for standing strong among his country and its people.

17 responses to “(Currently – March 2022): Book Hauls, Build A Bear, and More

  1. It’s so hard to focus on books I own when I work at the library – I bring home something new like every shift and I’m buried in the pile next to my bed now! Haha. I need to get better with that.

  2. Jen

    I saw the bear on IG! Super cute! Thanks for the catch-up. Indoor soccer sounds fun! I too am praying for Ukraine and the Russian people. I think this hurts many of them too. All so sad.

  3. I’m belatedly catching up on my “Currently” posts. We went to the Harry Potter store when we were in New York City and it was so fun! And I too can’t wait until it’s warm enough to read outside. It’s the best time of year!

    I am also praying for the people of Ukraine. I can’t believe this has been going on so long.

  4. Ukraine… it weighs heavily on the heart, doesn’t it? I’ve had to take a step back from daily updates but I do try to keep up and mostly hope it all ends asap ❤️

    I’m also so excited for warmer weather. Took Milo out this morning and I think it was below 20. Nope! Lol

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