Glossies Made Me Do It: Added to My Watch List

Posted November 1, 2019 by shooting in TV/Movies / 21 Comments

It’s the first Friday of the month and time for Glossies Made Me Do It! Has a magazine inspired you in any way lately? Write a post and link up with me below. I’d love to have you join!

Entertainment Weekly: November 2019

Did you know that Entertainment Weekly is no longer a weekly magazine? They kept the name Weekly because they have lots of content every week online, but the physical magazine only comes out once a month. For this month’s Glossies Made Me Do It, I am looking at the November 2019 issue.

Glossies Made Me Do It: Added to My Watch List

There’s a section in the beginning of Entertainment Weekly called First Take where they give you a look at what they call “your next obsessions.” In this issue, I learned about a couple shows that I have now added to my Watch List. I’ll have to do a review later on once I’ve actually watched them if anyone is interested!

No. 1: Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings

This is an anthology series, with each new episode based on a Dolly Parton song. What a fun concept, right? This will be premiering on Netflix on November 22 and there are 8 episodes. Netflix calls it season 1, so who knows? Maybe there will be more episodes in the future!

One of the things that I like about country music – especially in the past – is that so many of the songs really are a story. I love Dolly Parton so I’m super excited to see how they bring 8 of her iconic songs to life. Some of the songs include “Down From Dover”, “These Old Bones”, and of course, “Jolene.” I think I’m most excited about that one!

No. 2: A Christmas Carol

There have been many versions of A Christmas Carol, but I think this one sounds especially good. It’s a miniseries coming to FX in December. Instead of making Scrooge the usual old man, this version of A Christmas Carol stars Guy Pearce as Scrooge. They wanted Scrooge to be physically attractive, if not attractive in any other way (how he acts/thinks/etc). I like that idea – it definitely puts a new spin on Scrooge. I’ll be curious to see where this miniseries goes with the classic tale.

Tell me: Will you be watching either of these miniseries? Had you heard of them before?

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21 responses to “Glossies Made Me Do It: Added to My Watch List

  1. I was not aware that the printed version of Entertainment Weekly only comes once a month now! That’s interesting! I am super curious about the Dolly Parton anthology, I might have to check that out!

  2. I haven’t heard of these but Dolly Parton’s anthology sounds interesting. I liked Guy Pearce since he was in neighbours back in the day. I think he’d be great in a Christmas movie.

    Anthea recently posted: Happy Friday
  3. What a fun concept – to make “made for TV” movies based on songs. Dolly definitely does tell some stories with hers and I’ll have to look around and see if I can find it. I love every version of A Christmas Carol that I’ve seen and I’d love to see one with a new spin on it (especially if Scrooge wasn’t hard on the eyes). My newest obsession (discovered on vacation early August and now I’m at the end of the last season) is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Now I have to wait until the first part of December for the next season to start :/ As far as magazines go, I’ve pretty much stopped taking subscriptions to them. I would have a few subscriptions and just not have time to really browse through them. I did enjoy them so much in the past – especially when holiday ones came out. Thanks for sharing that tidbit about Entertainment Weekly and the new shows to watch for!


  4. A Christmas Carol would be something I’d watch. I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly and didn’t even know that! Guess I didn’t pay much attention to the fact that I don’t get it weekly. πŸ˜‰

  5. Wow! I didn’t know that Entertainment Weekly only came out once a month now. I’ll have to check out Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings, since I have Netflix! I love A Christmas Carol, and agree that a young attractive male lead like Guy Pearce will be a fun twist. Thanks for sharing Lauren πŸ™‚

  6. I haven’t heard of either mini series, but Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings should be entertaining. Each of her songs are a story, like a lot of country songs. Jolene will probably be a little heartbreaking. Hope it’s good! πŸ™‚

  7. before I forget… (because this is my third comment and I keep forgetting!) I LOVE your new header Lauren <3<3

    I didn't know about that FX version of a Christmas Carol! I'll have to check it out!

  8. Those both sound super interesting and I haven’t heard of either of them! I think the concept of basing a story off a song is incredibly cool, so I hope they execute it well. There really are a lot of A Christmas Carol adaptations but I don’t mind. I’m always up for more Christmas movies/shows, haha. And this one sounds interesting! Scrooge has always been depicted as kind of an ugly old man to represent who he has been on the inside. But seeing that twisted around will be intriguing.

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