No More Newsletter

Posted February 2, 2023 by shooting in Discussion / 4 Comments

Late last year I decided to create a newsletter for the blog. Unfortunately, I just haven’t had the time or energy to keep up with it. Since I was paying every month, I finally decided to cancel it because it wasn’t worth the money if I wasn’t even getting one newsletter out a month. I am bummed about this because I love the idea of a newsletter for more exclusive stuff and subscriber only giveaways. Alas, it’s just not meant to be right now.

However, does a box still pop up when you come on my page and ask you to sign up for my newsletter? Because if so, I need to figure out how to delete that!

At any rate, I’m going to try and write/schedule ahead of time on my blog as much as possible this year because I do love this space!

Do you have a newsletter? Does it take a lot of work to keep up? 

4 responses to “No More Newsletter

  1. I don’t see a box pop-up.

    I didn’t realize you have to pay to do a newsletter! It makes sense but I just never thought about it lol

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